Aug. 5th, 2007


[The X-Men (movieverse)] Wolverine/Rogue // The Four Seasons

Title: Spring - Rebirth
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
[info]fic_variations Prompt/Claim: The Four Seasons // Wolverine/Rogue
Spoilers: set post-X3
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: The X-Men belong to Marvel Comics and Twentieth Century Fox.
Author's Notes: n/a

She returns to the mansion.... )


[The X-Men] Wolverine/Rogue //The Four Seasons

Title: Extremes of Winter
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Rating: FR15
[info]fic_variations Prompt/Claim: The Four Seasons // Wolverine/Rogue
Spoilers: set post-X3
Warnings: some sexual content
Disclaimer: The X-Men belong to Marvel Comics & Twentieth Century Fox.
Author's Notes: n/a

When she had.... )


[The X-Men (movieverse)] Wolverine/Rogue // The Four Seasons

Title: Summer
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
[info]fic_variations Prompt/Claim: The Four Seasons // Wolverine/Rogue
Spoilers: Set after the first movie.
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: The X-Men belong to Marvel Comics & Twentieth Century Fox.
Author's Notes: none

The summer months had soured.... )