Jul. 27th, 2007


Sign Ups for Round 2 - August 2007

Just a quick reminder for our participants for July 2007 (The Four Seasons), you have until August 5th to post your fics.

Our prompt for Round 2 will be sane or insane. You can use both prompts in your fics or just one of them. You can also interpret the prompt however you wish to. It doesn't have to be your chosen character or pairing are either insane or sane.

Please use the following form when signing up:

Sign ups for Round 2 will be open up until 11:59PM PST, however once it's August 1st, you can start writing your fics.

Please remember members at either InsaneJournal and LiveJournal are free to post their fics at both sites.

participants )

Jun. 27th, 2007


July 2007

Welcome to [info]fic_variations. For those of you new to the community, we've been around for just over a year on Livejournal and we're entering our fourteenth round there.

Now let's get onto the fun stuff...

The prompt for July will be The Four Seasons. You can either use the individual seasons (winter/spring/summer/autumn) seperately or you can combine them in any order or fashion that you want.

You have until July 5th to sign up. If you're a member at either the LJ or IJ version of this site, you can post your fics for both sites.

When signing up, please use the following form:

When signing up, please use the following form:

July 2007 sign ups )

You can also submit suggestions for prompts for future rounds at this post as well. Please be sure to promote the community!