Final Fantasy VII Genfic - November 10th, 2008
Because you don't *need* pairings

User: [info]ffvii_genfic (posted by [info]wei_jiangling)
Date: 2008-11-10 22:08
Subject: Beer is Not Enough
Security: Public

Title: Beer is Not Enough
Characters: Rude, Reno, mentions of Rufus
Wordcount: 1,045
Rating: T (a lot of alcohol, and scattered cussing)
Notes: Part of my ongoing saga of Reno and Rufus, with this being more friendship than anything else. I think it should be postable here?

Given the circumstances, Rude would have expected Reno to go for something that would get him very drunk very quickly, but he seemed to be sticking with beer. On the other hand, he was making the most valiant attempt Rude had ever seen to get drunk quickly off of the stuff. )

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December 2009