---☼ Useful Fandom Tools ☼---
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About fandom_how_to
Hopefully we'll have useful information for fanfic and original writers in this comm :)

August 2008
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Horisontal Ruler

Ruler is useful for dividing your entry, profile or comment to make it look more structured.

The basic ruler tag:


By default the ruler is 100% width of whatever table cell or browser window you place it in. The ruler is also three dimentional by default.

Making the ruler thicker:

<hr size="5">

<hr size="10">

<hr size="25">

<hr size="50">

<hr size="75">

<hr size="100">

Use numbers from 1 to 100 , any higher number will be defaulted to 100 (pixels) by your browser.

Adding color:

<hr color="red">

or <hr color="#339900 "> from this or this color table.

Some random rulers of different thicknesses and colors:

<hr size="15" color="#A0522D">

<hr size="60" color="#9ACD32 ">

<hr size="100" color="#6495ED">

Making rulers shorter:
(by default they will be centered)

<hr width="75%"> width as % from whatever window you place the ruler in. (Remember, default is 100%) ( enclose the value in quotes If you use a percentage)

or <hr width="300"> width set in pixels (as reference, your IJ userics are 100x100 pixels)

Ruler allignment:
Horisontal allignment of the ruler can be changed (works only if you made your ruler shorter than a window or a table you placed it in)

<hr width="50%" align="LEFT">
<hr width="50%" align="CENTER">
<hr width="50%" align="RIGHT">

Pretty nifty :)

Playing around with rulers:

<hr align=right color="#FFDAB9" size="5" width="10%" >
<hr align=right color="#FFC0CB" size="10" width="25%" >
<hr align=right color="#FFB6C1" size="15" width="50%" >
<hr align=right color="#FF69B4" size="20" width="75%" >
<hr align=right color="#C71585" size="25" >

Writing the above code without any spaces in between brackets will look like this:

<hr align=right color="#FFDAB9" size="5" width="10%" ><hr align=right color="#FFC0CB" size="10" width="25%" ><hr align=right color="#FFB6C1" size="15" width="50%" ><hr align=right color="#FF69B4" size="20" width="75%" ><hr align=right color="#C71585" size="25" >

Ruler is also three dimentional by default. NOSHADE makes it flat. Browsers don't render rulers 3D well anyway.


<hr> looks like this:

<hr noshade> looks like this:

I'll make them wider to see better:

<hr size="20">

<hr size="20" noshade>

And add some color to it:

<hr size="20" color="#00CED1">

<hr size="20" noshade color="#00CED1">

I don't see much difference between using NOSHADE or not ( My browser is IE)

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