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Owl to Lisa Turpin [27 May 2008|01:40am]

from Padma )
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Owl to Miss Lisa Turpin [26 May 2008|01:40pm]

from Mr. James Crotchup )
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Narrative [26 May 2008|01:40pm]

Who: Oliver Wood & George Weasley
When: May 26, 2000
Where: The Shaw, residence of the Wood family, Scotland
Status: In progress
Rating: G
Summary: Oliver asks George up to Scotland to discuss retrieving his sister from France.

Oliver had owled George asking him to meet him up at his grandmother's in Scotland, but George hadn't been able to come until Monday and between cancelling with George and cancelling with Lisa, he took the already tense mood with Lisa and settled for meeting with George. He penned a note to Lisa, cancelling their session for the day and promising to meet with her tomorrow. It didn't lesson any of his nervous tension about the meeting, but pushing it back at least a day took some of the pressure off his chest.

Still, the revelation of the Ministry's upcoming ball... )
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Owl to Oliver Wood [26 May 2008|03:45pm]

[ mood | in secret love! ]

unaddressed and unsigned )

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Narrative [26 May 2008|02:45am]

Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
When: May 26, 2000
Where: Hermione's hide-out
Rating: PG, possiblly
Status: In progress
Summary: More Ron/Hermione awkwardness!

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Brief Owl to Theodore Nott [25 May 2008|10:15pm]


Owl to Theodore Nott; from D.M. )

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Owl to Hermione Granger [25 May 2008|02:51pm]

Delivered by Ron Weasely )
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RP [24 May 2008|04:44pm]

Who: Angelina Johnson and George Weasley
When: May 23, 2000
Where: Diagon Alley Pub
Rating: PG
Status: In progress
Summary: Angelina attempts to meet a friend for dinner.

Finally, a break )
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Narrative [23 May 2008|05:30pm]

Who: Theodore Nott and Padma Patil
When: May 23, 2000
Where: Outside the Ministry of Magic, The Maharaja Restaurant
Rating: PG
Status: In progress
Summary: Padma meets up with Theodore to discuss his party plans over curry.

Padma did her best to be on time as promised, )
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NARRATIVE: Harry + Ron [22 May 2008|09:39pm]

Who: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
When: after work Thursday
Where: the flat in Diagon Alley
Rating: pending
Status: in progress
Summary: A guy's gotta bond with his best friend.

The days only seemed to get longer, but Ron was finally feeling in his element. All the things he'd thought he'd already known, suddenly he knew better than he ever had. And so slouching across Diagon Alley to the flat beside the stationary shop, Ron felt a quiet sense of satisfaction. He did not feel as surprised as he once did, but it was a pleasant feeling nonetheless.

He waved his wand and unlocked the door, already swinging his rucksack off his shoulder. "Harry?" he called out, dropping the bag to the floor. He looked about and couldn't tell if his roommate had been home. Oh well, he thought, and he went into the kitchen to fix himself a sandwich. Maybe he could talk Harry into going out somewhere.
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Owl to George Weasley [22 May 2008|03:44pm]

From Harry Potter )
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To Abbeline and Theodore Nott Respectively [22 May 2008|03:05pm]

From Abbeline and Theodore Nott Respectively )
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Narrative [22 May 2008|01:54am]
Who: Lisa Turpin and James Crotchup
When: May 21, 2000
Where: Aloysius's home
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Lisa's French lesson, in which she plays the piano and opens her big fat mouth.

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The Daily Prophet: Morning Edition, Eleven Sickles [22 May 2008|12:43am]

Exclusive: New Law in Proposal!
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Owl to Padma Patil [21 May 2008|08:19pm]

From Theodore Nott )
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Narrative [21 May 2008|05:31pm]

Who: Harry Potter
When: May 21, 2008, 5:30 pm
Where: Wizarding Britain
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Harry visits an old friend.

Harry must've been standing there for a least a good ten minutes before he realized he was staring at a normal cat and not McGonagall. He'd been so sure..

Rolling his eyes, he sighed. Seemed like everywhere he looked was McGonagall, Wood, Hermoine. He'd once actually tapped a woman on the shoulder before he'd realized that Hermoine's hair had never had blond highlights in it.

Humming to himself, he continued walking, not noticing that the cat followed. )
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The Daily Prophet: Evening Edition, Eleven Sickles [20 May 2008|12:40pm]

Article: Death By Wine!
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[18 May 2008|08:07pm]

Who: Percy Weasley
When: After work, Friday evening
Where: The Ministry
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Summary: Reflecting on where he's at in life.

Percy really didn't care much for his job anymore. )
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Owl to Katie Bell [18 May 2008|04:40pm]

unaddressed, delievered by an anonymous owl )
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Owl to Theodore Nott [17 May 2008|09:49pm]


Owl to Theodore Nott )

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