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cheshiregrin [userpic]

dear you:

this is stupid. really?


Dear you,
you bastard.
I wasted more emotions on you than any person prior. Even the seven year one.
The awfulness of you can't be described in words. The person you are, the things you do.
Good fucking riddance. Never come back.


Dear you,

Nice going, not only did you break up with someone, to put yourself in a sad mood, you also managed to start one big fun family fight between everybody in the household! I guess your nickname, 'monster' at work makes sense now doesn't it! Monster.

The voice inside your head

Current Mood: guilty guilty

Dear you,
You have hurt me more than you have ever realized. I always knew you were a liar. I have lied for you over and over again, and even got mad at people that didn't believe me. What was I lying for? To protect you? I don't know anymore.

ghostofmylife [userpic]
Dear Sister in Law

Can we please have less histronics about your boss asking you to come in for ONE day over the holidays?  In particular, could you stop the wailing about how it is your special time to "spend with my family" because your lack of consideration for anyone else and their families is astounding.

Christmas Day you will be in a pub having the staff wait on you and serve you dinner instead of getting to be with their family.

Boxing Day, you dump the kids on our mutual Mother In Law and disappear off to the sales ALL DAY.  You do not spend it with your family and lots of retail workers don't get to spend it with theirs because of people like you.

Seriously, you might want to reconsider how you interpret "special time" and "family".


Someone with no sympathy.

Dear constant talker,

Dear constantly talking,

Shut up about yourself for once. Also, I don't care what your friend said when they responded to you 'answer questions about me', fill-out-form, questionnaire, what ever the hell it's called. So don't post the entire damn thing to me in the messenger window.

Also, the reason I get grumpy with you is because you act immature, your an adult, not an immature 13 year old. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of high school.... Maybe you'd be more mature.


I'm getting tired of you.

Current Mood: aggravated aggravated
Bekah Rose [userpic]

Dear You,

The more you go on and on about how "good" and "totally awesome" and "it's really not all that bad, the Authorities are just evil and making it out to be." the more I wonder just who you're trying to convince. Us, or yourself?

Because seriously, from where I'm sitting, it sounds like you're making all this noise to assuage your own guilty feelings and, well, how's that working out for you?

Not convinced, never will be.


location: My Office!
Current Mood: angry angry
Current Music: The Swamp / Blue Gillespie

Dear you,

You are an anchor.


Dear google,

You can't read my mind. Please, stop trying to type before I do.


Dear You,

Go die.

Good Ridiance,

Current Mood: angry angry
Current Music: "In The Air Tonight" - Nonpoint

Dear you,

Why did you volunteer for this position if you were just going to flake out? It's not like we can't see you being active everywhere else. What the fuck. At least grow a spine and step down if you're just going to shit all over us like this.

No love,

Dear You,

You are right in a lot of ways. I do what I want to do. But what human wouldn't? Something I don't really think you'll ever understand is how much I /do/ do for you. And not just the obvious stuff.

I'll always have your back,

Dear You,

You bullied me out of my high school and now you're following me to work telling my co-workers things about me?  Is there no way to get away from you...?


Current Mood: lonely lonely

Dear You,

I'm not liking what I've heard about you from friends during last weekend. Even your number one supporter is starting to think she was wrong about you. Stop treating her like a trophey girlfriend. You've become controlling of her and apparently only care about her when you're horny. One of the last few times my friends and I have invited her over to hang out she was stuck at your house babysitting your younger siblings, which you and your parents just dumped into her lap without as much as asking her first. Now add in the convient fact that after trying more than once to invite her over last weekend we can't get a response from her;yet the moment we asked you suddenly you and her are too tired. On top of that, when she went on a vacation with a girl friend recently she had to apply for a job out of state behind your back. Why? Because you would refuse to let her spread her wings and make her sit at your house being your personal maid and fuck toy. She gave up a career to be with you, a dream she's had since she was a child because you promised to be her knight in shining armor. I guess that was a bold lie since now the poor girl is unable to do the most usual things without you meddling in it first.

I admit I'm only hearing one side of this story. However, getting a chance to talk to you privately without you constantly worrying some guy will snatch her away from you the moment you blink is almost impossible. I'm trying my best to stay neutral and calm, but it ain't easy. I started having misgivings about you long before the topic about you came up last weekend. All I am going to say is if you dare to hurt one little hair on her head I promise I will cut off your head, stick it onto my car's antenna, and parade it around town like one of those toys you buy from a Jack In The Box restaurant.

I'll keep my eye on you,

Current Mood: cranky cranky
Current Music: "Final Confrontation" - Castlevania Lords of Shadow OST
polor opposites

Dear plural you,

i had intentions at the beginning. between you and the others i have lost the idea that less is more. all of your pieces have been shuffled between you, and you, and you. i no longer have the desire to sort them into one pile that would belong to me. the fading summer sun has for too long guided decisions to stay warm in safe arms. i can not accept any but my own.

i can promise you will only find me when i want you. never when i need you. missing you is better done alone.



Current Mood: contemplative contemplative
Current Music: Kings of Convenience - I don't know what i can save you from

Dear you,

Sometimes, I wish I had never dated you. We had many, many great memories together. We were very happy. But now that we aren't together, and we're just being friends, I don't know how close we can be. You might think that every kind gesture is me trying to win your heart. You might think that everything I say is a calculated lie to sway you. You might think that everything I do I have a motive. I do love you, with all my heart, but I am doing my very best to bury it. I love you as a lover, and I love you as my best friend. And all I want is to be your friend, even if I'm not one of your best. I hope I will be someday.

I wish I had the opportunity to start over.


Dear suspicious and untrustworthy people,

Dear suspicious and untrustworthy people,

I fucking hate how you all are self-centered stubborn bastards who think anything is o-fucking-kay. And you all think you can get away with anything. Well, newsflash, you can’t you jackasses. And I’m done hiding shit for you. If somebody asks a damn thing, I’ll tell them exactly what you shitheads are doing.

And in case you want to know why. It’s because you’ve caused me too much fuckin’ stress trying to help hide your bullshit. After I had a break down the other day, I decided I was done trying to help you when you’ll never end any shit you start. And I don’t care how much you hate me afterward, maybe if you all weren’t so selfish, this wouldn’t have happened.

The girl who's tired of your bullshit.

P.S. Pull me down, and I promise I'll pull you down with me

Dear You,

You don't exist and I've only met you once. We were trying to escape a complex via the train and had to keep running from train car to train car as the inspectors were following. You were quite pretty and you were kind. You held my hand as we ran. I don't know your name, but it doesn't really matter because you were a figment of my dreaming mind. Thank you for giving me the first night of restful sleep I've gotten in a long while.

I hope to meet you again sometime,


Dear you,

Sometimes it surprises me exactly how naive and immature you are. You don't understand anything about us, and you certainly don't understand a damn thing about me.

Grow up.


ghostofmylife [userpic]
Dear Sheep

Dear Sheep

I don't know why you insist that you MUST have a family holiday each year.  Every time you complain about the cost.  You complain about the accomodation.  You complain about the locals and the other holidaymakers.  You complain about having to drive there.  You complain about the weather.  You complain about your kids' behaviour.  

You talked for about three hours about your must-have annual holiday and it was just one long complaint.  

Thank you for the offer of allowing us to tag along next year.  Misery loves company....


Finding something else to do.

Dear Satoshi Kon,


Rest in peace and you will be sorely missed.

Still shocked and devastated at this news,
Me, a long time fan of you

Current Mood: sad sad
Current Music: none
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