Nov. 2nd, 2010


Who: Cassandra & Teddy
What: Mandatory appointment
When: November 2nd, before lunch
Where: Teddy's office
Rating: Probably low

Can't think of a witty one right now )

Oct. 17th, 2010


Who: Teddy Orsini, Jake Wright, Natalie di Piero, & [open to staff]
What: Coffee.
Where: Staff lounge/workroom/whatever place
When: Sunday morning, around 7:15-ish?
Rating: ... probably depends on who shows up
Status: INcomplete

The best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup~ )

Oct. 9th, 2010


Who: Dr Teddy Orsini and Greta Catchlove
What: Office hours~! Candy and possibly talking (maybe?! :D)!
Where: Teddy's office!
When: Uh ... office hours? Any time between 8 and 3. :D
Rating: Depends on who joins in!
Status: INcomplete

And so, Teddy just sat and waited for someone to come by. )