Oct. 21st, 2010


Who: Mary, Esme [open to any other Gryffindor girls if you wanna come in!]
What: Being overcome with EMOTIONS
Where: Gryffindor 5th year girls' dorm
When: Thursday; evening-ish I guess?
Rating: Uh. Low-ish?
Status: Complete as a narrative, INcomplete if anyone wants to jump in (& you're welcome to!)

Emotion turning back on itself, and not leading on to thought or action, is the element of madness. ~John Sterling )

Oct. 6th, 2010


Who: Mary Macdonald and Katie Kent
What: Talking
Where: Greenhouse
When: After dinner
Rating: Low
Status: INcomplete

Mary loved the greenhouse. )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Who: Mary and Chase AND SURPRISE REMUS
What: IDK. Chase trying to cheer Mary up? Something? IDK, TBD
Where: Gryffindor Common Room
When: Wednesday evening/night/whatever
Rating: IDK! Probably low-ish?
Status: Complete!

Third day of classes, and Mary was behind already. )