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Nov. 7th, 2010


Introductions are in order

Hullo everyone! I'm Char. Some of you may already know me, the vast majority probably doesn't. I'm new here and picked the most perfect month to apply *snort* NaNoWriMo. Oh November, you brain eater, you.

Anyway! I bring you Amycus Carrow, who's every bit as elitist and mean as his name makes him sound out to be. He's brother to Alecto Carrow, whom I'm sure you are all familiar with already. While he's more of an introvert than his younger sister ever was, they're pretty much made out of the same cloth. He's a 7th year Slytherin and I'm not exaggerating when I say he's got more than a few screws loose. He's fascinated by the Dark Arts and in his free time enjoys such activities as ruining lives, spending money, reading "how to become a Death Eater in 10 easy steps" and kicking kittens.

Needless to say, he's a charmer. You can read more about him here, if you so wish!

I need... pretty much everything for him! Give me people to befriend, people to hate, teachers/adults who - while he's no academic wonder - are fond of (or at least tolerate) him and those that can't stand the little arsehole.

As for me, I'm excited to join your ranks ♥. Ping me any time on AIM at mijn beminde, even if I show as offline. Sometimes I'm "hiding" and if I'm not, I read all my offline messages.

Nov. 3rd, 2010


Hey guys. So, I'm going to be pretty much gone for the next couple days or so. (Hopefully) I've been having super bad headaches and it's making it hard to do stuff. I'm getting new meds and all sorts of fun stuff which will hopefully fix things. Until then, I'm not going to be spending much time online, or feeling up to posting.

(Aure, Rita, Peter, Mi Sun, and Dilly)


I came down with a cold and am feeling absolutely terrible, with a head-splitting headache. So. Hiatus for the time being. I will still lurk, but I will probably spend most of my time passed out in my bed. Hopefully this blasted thing will go away soon <3

Ily guys ♥ See you in a few days!

Nov. 1st, 2010


Hey bitchessss (and by bitches, I mean lovers)

UNFORTUNATELY I will be slightly less around this week because I'm going back to my old college town to vote (I AM A FAILURE AND FORGOT TO RE-REGISTER). This means, inevitably, I will be out drinking a lot, so my availability will be iffy.

BUT during the days I should still be on at least a little? I mean, most of my friends who are still there have school and shit so, I'll have little to do.

In closing, here is a gif of two of my characters weirdly making eyes at each other or something.



Hey guys! Just a reminder that those required appointments with Teddy are due to start tomorrow. The sign-ups are here, if you want to double-check and make sure that all of your characters are signed up for a time slot, and also double-check what their time slots are. xD EVEN IF THEY ARE GOING TO SKIP THEIR APPOINTMENT, please sign them up for a slot anyway. If your character would not have gone and signed themselves up, just pretend that whatever slot you picked for them, Teddy picked on their behalf and contacted them about it sometime today.

You don't have to comment here unless you fall under GROUP 1 or GROUP 2 below! In which case ... please comment. :)

GROUP 1: You want to thread the session. PLEASE COMMENT AND REMIND ME. I tried going back through the posts, but some people didn't specify, and some people didn't sound sure, so ... comment here if you want to thread it. Srsly, I'm down for however many of you want to thread.

GROUP 2: Your character WILL BE SKIPPING their session. I need to know this so that Teddy can be making note of it, and he WILL be speaking with your Head of House and Dumbledore about it.

And don't worry, Teddy's got charms on the office to make it soundproof, so you don't have to worry about eavesdroppers.

Oct. 31st, 2010



Happy Halloween ♥

Oct. 29th, 2010




YOU BETTER GO TO YOUR APPOINTMENT (and, y'know, everyone else, too, but we all know that it's mostly Slytherins who're bitching about it and not wanting to go).




Hi, my name is Tracey, and I'm an addict. Which is why I have my 6th and final character here for your lovin'.

MEEEEEEET Augustus Rookwood, one of our six aurors!!

Auror? What? Rookwood? I hear you asking. Yes, it's true. Rookwood was a spy in the Dept of Mysteries (Karkaroff sold him out) at the end of the first war, and seeing as that's a good...4-6 years away? I figure he needed to start somewhere, so he's starting here. As Ian Somerhalder.

But, I want to stress: No one in game should know he's a spy. Regardless of your ~family ties or your ~Jr DE status, Augustus hasn't had a large role in spying yet, and it's unlikely ANYONE other than Rookwood Sr and Voldie know about this plan. RN he's just working on gaining trust until he's in a position where he CAN deliver important information. So yeah. OOC/IC lines get tricky there (:

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading his profile, cause it'll give you a good idea of what he's like, but as usual I provide bullet points )

SORRY for the massive post, I always do this. But YES LOVERS throw any & all plot at meee~

Oct. 28th, 2010


Hey everyone FRESH MEAT! :D Hi guys, I'm Jadis and I am so bad at introductions. I'm also in class and hoping that my professor actually believes I am this enthusiastic about taking statistics notes. I'm pretty sure he's buying it.

And I have her Valerie DePaul, one of the Auror-ly ones come to Hogwarts to watch the kidlets! Surprisingly (or probably not given her personality) Valerie is absolutely delighted about the assignment. Val was born in London, but moved to Paris after the death of her mother when she was nine years old and attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic instead of Hogwarts. Valerie is precise and efficient to the point of mechanicalism, lady-like almost to the point of being Martha Steward-esque, will hold your head under water with a pagent queen smile if you provoke her, and is fanatically devoted to the Ministry. FANATICALLY. The Ministry is always right guys. Every time. They could blow up eastern Europe and she'd be all 'eh, didn't need that anyway'.

So this is the world's worst summary! Valerie's full information is in this direction. I am insanely excited to be here and you can reach me for ANYTHING at subway less taken. I accept plot, random links, insults, randomness in general, porn--ping me like it's hawt! And now I shall pimp Val out for lines!


HEY KIDS! cj here with another one, and her name is Devon Proudfoot! she's one of your friendly neighborhood Aurors, here to protect and serve~ :D

so! she's a Gryffindor, class of '67, and a former Chaser on the house team. Dev is a bit of an oddball with her way of thinking, but she's not certifiably insane or anything. she is definitely NOT a girly girl in any way, shape, or form. she'd sooner go dark side than have to DRESS UP OMG (not really, but you get the gist). she's also a Muggleborn, and she has an older brother Quinn who is not at all magical. (lolol her very own petunia. except he's not a jealous assmunch o snap!)

... idk i shouldn't do these things at nearly 3am when i know i need to be sleeping anyway. :| Devon is basically a personable little spitfire of a weirdo. she needs things: HOMIES~, students she's friendly with/keeps AN EYE on, relationships with the other adults, AUROR BRETHREN REPRESENT!, etc.

(lolol posting fail :|)

Oct. 27th, 2010



Guys, I just can't do this. I'm a big believer in separating the OOC and IC worlds, but when constant flak is thrown in a single character's direction with no hope for redemption, and no support from 'his' side, its just pretty much untenable. Ayden really has no friends, and all enemies. I'm not sure if any of you have played through that before. I like to torment my characters to a degree, but when it is nothing but torment- EEK! Its just gotten a little too hateful!

Its a little weird to be bothered when you check your email and theres a slew of hate at a character. Its not directed at me, no! But to effectively write, you have to put yourself in that character's shoes and 'feel it' for a brief time. Well, with Ayden its not so brief!! It sort of lingers. I've actually felt more tired and a little... off... every time I've had to respond for him. I like him as a character because he could have been interesting, but I've also come to just dread him.

So I think we can consider him chewed up and spit out.

Sorry sorry sorry!


Yeah, this is KILLING me. Can'tstoplaughing.



So~! after hours of listmaking, I've taken into account house, gender, blood status, year, and affiliation! as well as letting as many people who want to play! SO I PRESENT!

Your Slug Club )

And because I'm a statistics whore: the breakdown )

SO! If anyone has any comments about their characters being in the Slug Club ("Why aren't they here?" or "X wouldn't go :C" let me know!

Also any staff members who want to be former Slug Club. CONGRATULATIONS! LET'S HAVE DRINKS! NOW! SLUGGY HAS A FREE PERIOD!

Oct. 26th, 2010


...the song of DMR this weekend? IDEK.


Slytherin this weekend!

Oct. 25th, 2010



Alright my little dufflemuffins, Christie here, bringing in Slughorn in probably the worst advised move in history!

Slughorn's a 74 year old bon vivant starting his 50th year of teaching potions, and schmoozing--that's an extracurricular. So someone better throw him parties He's a confirmed bachelor who enjoys hosting parties, favoritism, receiving gifts and joie de vivre.

If he likes you, he loves you, if he doesn't, who are you?

He's a bit of a flirt who wouldn't actually pursue anything, he's past romantic endeavors at this point in his life. I imagine he gets along perfectly fine with other professors, unless they have reason to dislike him, and he's looking to collect tomorrow's best and brightest :D

So, tomorrow's best and brightest, who wants in slug club?


Its (maybe) a little sad, as Minerva didn't get much air time, but I'm pretty strongly of the opinion that I'm going to turn her loose to a good home with one of you other DMR addicts. I thought I'd be able to play her fairly well, but from the get go it felt very off. Well, no sense in suffering through with no muse for her.

So, I'm going to say goodbye to Minerva here, and hope someone else does the old girl justice.



I would just like to let everyone know that this can probably be heard through the entire castle. Or at least the entire fourth floor and the halls directly above and below them. So enjoy the musical stylings (and badly butchered Queen songs) of James and Rosmerta.


Little note! You know how Emmeline was going on about climbing a tree? Well she fell off said tree. She now has a broken skull and leg.

Oct. 24th, 2010


re: the required counseling sessions

SO. Since the majority of the student body has spent the weekend high as kites, and if they even got down to Teddy's office to sign the sheet, there's a VERY GOOD chance that they will have no recollection come Monday of whether or not they even have an appointment, or when, or even remember that there ARE appointments, I've talked it over with Stevie and we're bumping this back one week.

So, if you were signed up for tomorrow (Monday, 25 October), you are now signed up for Tuesday, 2 November. And then so on like that through the WEEKDAYS (not weekends, or I'd have to redo the charts for the days that end up being over the weekend) until Thursday, 11 November.

Handy-dandy chart:
Monday, 25 October ---> Tuesday, 2 November
Tuesday, 26 October ---> Wednesday, 3 November
Wednesday, 27 October ---> Thursday, 4 November
Thursday, 28 October ---> Friday, 5 November
Friday, 29 October ---> Monday, 8 November
Tuesday, 2 November ---> Tuesday, 9 November
Wednesday, 3 November ---> Wednesday, 10 November
Thursday, 4 November ---> Thursday, 11 November

From an IC standpoint, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Your character's appointment will have ALWAYS been on the new date.

If you don't remember your character's appointment, or you haven't commented with it yet, it's over here. I've already gone through and put the new dates at the top of each chart. If you want to move a character's date, feel free to move them to any OPEN spot.

... if this is confusing, feel free to ask for clarification. I might not be explaining this right.

BUT ANYWAY. Shirtless!Teddy watering a cactus for your trouble.

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