Dark Christianity
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Back June 27th, 2005 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
10 Commandments decisions expected today


The Supreme Court will decide if a granite monument on the grounds of the Texas Capitol and framed copies of commandments in two Kentucky courthouses are allowed.

dogemperor [userpic]
Real Christians and inappropriate evangalism


[info]bradhicks has an interesting post where he talks about his essay series on Christianity as well as inappropriate evangalism. Good reading.

dogemperor [userpic]
Supreme Court sides with ACLU on 10 Commandments

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]moirawolf)

In a 5-4 vote (O'Conner was the swing vote) the Supreme Court has just ruled that the 10 Commandments are NOT allowed on goverment property in the case of the Kentucky framed copy of them in Federal Court Houses.

They have yet to decide on the Texas issue where it's a monument on State Capital grounds.

(This breaking news per CNN)

dogemperor [userpic]
US Supreme Court issues split decision in Texas 10-Commandments case

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]moirawolf)

The Texas monument to the Ten Commandments gets to stay.

It seems the key issue is the "Prominent Display" thus advocating one religion over another. The Supreme Court, in it's court room, has a copy of the Ten Commandments in a Freize over the court... HOWEVER, it also has Mohammed and Confucius as well. Thus, the Ten Commandments are not *prominently* displayed as the sole source of law.

Kentucky's got to take them down... Texas gets to keep them.

And there were *no* announcements of any retirements either. Court is now Adjourned.

dogemperor [userpic]
Cultural Warfare Update

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

A couple of times a week, [info]solarbird posts a "Cultural Warfare Update" in her blog. It includes links and transcripts concerning dominionist activism, many from dominionist sources, with an emphasis on GBLT issues.

Here's today's update.

Subjects include:

* Southern Baptist Convention passes resolution urging churches to investigate local schools and try to shut down any GBLT-affirming or tolerant activities there
* Older (2002) article by Rick Santorum: liberals and media made Catholic priests abuse children
* FotF article on the political battle over PBS - includes action item
* Today's Family News in Focus
* Weird CWA article on today's Ten Commandments ruling
* Lobbying groups waiting for next Supreme Court nominee with bated breath
* Article on possible GOP rift over nominees; pro-business wing wants fundamentalist wing to shut up when nominees come up; fundamentalists say they will demand clear position statements on abortion, marriage rights (against both)

I hope you all find this interesting and informative.

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