Dark Christianity
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Back June 23rd, 2005 Forward
dogemperor [userpic]
Randal Terry sees FL Senate Seat


From Yahoo News:

Schiavo Activist to Seek Fla. Senate Seat

By RON WORD, Associated Press WriterWed Jun 22, 3:51 PM ET

Randall Terry, who founded the militant anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and helped lead the effort to reinsert Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, announced Wednesday he is running for the state Senate, setting the stage for a GOP primary in which Schiavo could be the central issue.

Terry will face state Sen. Jim King, one of nine Republicans who sided with the Democrats to block a bill aimed at keeping Schiavo alive. The primary will be in 2006.

Terry said King no longer represents the Republican base.

"The Terri Schiavo matter was unforgivable to many of the Republican loyalists," said Terry, 46. He also said King's appointment of Democrats to key positions in the Senate and his call for higher caps on medical-malpractice verdicts alienated voters.Read more... )

dogemperor [userpic]
More on the USAF Academy Controversy

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

Time has compiled a three-page report: Whose God Is Their Co-Pilot?

dogemperor [userpic]
History repeating?


[info]ebonypearl takes a closer look at the Declaration of Independence.

dogemperor [userpic]
Conservative Christians hold conference to 'cure' gays


When activists for gay and lesbian causes gather outside a church near Seattle this weekend, they will have many critical things to say about how conservative Christian institutions have treated them.

Inside Northshore Baptist Church, where Focus on the Family will be preaching that homosexuality can be “healed” by the power of God’s love, Christian counselors will be making much the same point.

dogemperor [userpic]
With Friends Like These...

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]britzkrieg)

This is somewhat off-topic, but it's too funny and bizarre not to share. A friend of mine found this link while browsing through her spam filter:

The Bible is a Hoax. It is proven!

Underlying this... um... thing are several genuinely admirable sentiments. For instance, it's wrong to scare people -- especially children -- with hell, and some sects of Christianity use fear ("terror") to control people.

In addition, though, this bizarre rant alleges that the God of the Old Testament was really Satan and that its angels were demons. I think. Something like that. It also links Ancient Egyptian religion and iconography to both Testaments. The author claims that Egypt's heretic king Akhenaten, who lived around 1350 B.C., was Moses. And Jesus. And a lesbian.

The page includes a lot of discussion about terrorism and its relationship to religion. "Terrorist (sic) terrorize using the terrorized to achieve their goal(s). The whole thing is terrorism." The author discusses the fear of hell more than Islamist violence, though.

The illustrations will make you pee your pants. Check out the star wearing Nikes. He's an "idiot." And the visual Uncle Sam refrain is hilarious.

"Save The Children! Save The Constitution!"

I haven't read the whole page yet, but I'm already laughing so hard that I may puke. Ow. My face hurts.

Back June 23rd, 2005 Forward