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multi fandom crossovers

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A scattered bunch ... [Jun. 3rd, 2008|08:17 am]

[mood | amused]
[music |Bonnie Raitt - Something to Talk About]

... of some silly and twisted little crossovers for my first post here.

Most of these came about via another comm on LJ - via two Sentinel_Thurs weekly prompts (that I happened to suggest). All of the links are going to head back to my personal LJ, I hope that doesn't deter anyone.

title: The Late Night
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG
fandoms: TS/Anne Rice's 'Vampire Chronicles'
disclaimer: Nothing's mine...
warnings: ... nothing is coming to mind. *g*

Link to story in my personal LJ

title: With a Friend Like...
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG
fandoms: TS/Calvin & Hobbes
disclaimer: None is mine...
warnings: ... odd thought processes? :D

Link to story in my personal LJ

title: Table Leg
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG-13
fandoms: TS/Archie Comics
disclaimer: Nothing is mine...
warnings: Adult subject matter and offscreen established m/m slash relationship.

Link to story in my personal LJ

title: Fraternization
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG-13
fandoms: TS/Archie Comics
disclaimer: Nothing is mine...
warnings: Adult subject matter and offscreen established m/m slash relationship.

Link to story in my personal LJ

title: Family Crisis
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG
fandoms: TS/Family Circle
disclaimer: Nothing is mine...
warnings: ... none really, but the cruelty my imagination inflicted on the characters. :D

Link to story in my personal LJ

title: Seeing Things
author: Marns AKA Bumpkin
rating: PG
fandoms: TS/The Jungle Book
disclaimer: None is mine...
warnings: *snicker*

Link to story in my personal LJ

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FIC: Situation Normal: All F*cked Up--MCR/Stargate SG1 gen/het 15/mature [May. 6th, 2008|05:12 pm]

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title: Situation Normal: All F*cked Up
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15/mature
fandom: Stargate SG1/My Chemical Romance/McGyver
series/sequel: A Step Out of Time
characters/pairings: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack), My Chemical Romance/wives, Matt Cortez/Cassie Frasier, SG1+Feretti, McGyver,
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun.
summary: Yeah, it really was too much to hope for the summer touring season to be uneventful. It really was. Election years, power shifts and god knows what going on elsewhere.
warning: SG1 Canon history through Fragile Balance then AUish
author's note:
word count: 14,800 (2 parts, linked)

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May Challenges [May. 3rd, 2008|07:12 am]

Bits and Pieces Prompt: dance

May Theme: Beltane/Mayday heralding of spring etc.

As always fic doesn't have to be related to the challenge or theme of the month, those are just ideas thrown out for inspiration.
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FIC: Damage Control--mature--Bandom/Xmen movieverse [Apr. 29th, 2008|05:16 pm]

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title: Damage Control
author: lisa roquin
rating: Mature
fandom: Bandom/X men Movie verse
series/sequel: Mutant Verse (possibly)
characters/pairings: Brian Schechter/Matt Cortez, My Chemical Romance/wives, The Used, X-men, appearances by Fall Out Boy and Cobra Starship.
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun. All characters who have real world counterparts are every bit as fictionalized as the copyrighted characters, if Pete Wentz had scales, the pictures would be all over the internet. That should clue you in right there this is completely made up.
summary: The headache that struck the world hit the mutants first, the flatscans second, triggering the manifestation of many latent mutants and stirring up unrest and suspicion world wide. Staff and students of the Xavier Institute aren't the only ones dealing with the immediate fall out. Xavier stumbles right in the midst of one extremely unconventional group and one of his past lessons in what not to do in attempting to contact and recruit a newly emerged Omega-class mutant. Fuck visions of Utopia, they were more worried about hanging on to what they had in the first days of uncertainty after.
warning: slash, het, character death, angst, crude gallows humor, language, reference to past drug abuse. marijuana.
author's note:
Xmen Movieverse--through events of X2, after that veers off AU w/ some comicverse fusion in regards to characters who hadn't shown up in X1 or X2 movies.
word count: ~28,000

part one || part two || part three || part four
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April 2008 Challenges [Apr. 1st, 2008|06:29 am]

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The Bits & Pieces Challenge: pranks

April Theme: PWP. Yup. PWP.

As always fic doesn't have to be related to the challenge or theme of the month, those are just ideas thrown out for inspiration.
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Fic: Ashes in the Fall BSG/SGA/SG-1 [Mar. 27th, 2008|03:57 pm]

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Title: Ashes in the Fall
Author: Rhi
Rating: Overall a R for themes
Characters: Cast of BSG, SGA and SG-1
Genre: Crossover AU: BSG/SGA/SG-1
Pairings: See extended author's note in prologue for full list
Spoilers: Anything before Exodus Part II for BSG and through mid-Season 3 of SGA and mid-Season 10 for SG-1.
Disclaimer: [Insert witty comment here] I most assuredly do not own BSG, SGA or SG-1, nor am I partaking of any profits.

This is a work in progress, however, I have posted the first two parts and would love some feedback!

Chapter 1
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March 2008 Challenges [Mar. 2nd, 2008|07:33 pm]

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The Bits & Pieces Challenge: laughter

March Theme: Green. Interpretted any which way you want from 'green' as in young and naive, the color, green lantern corps, green beer. What have you.
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2 Fic links--SG1/MCR, Fairly OddParents/MCR [Feb. 24th, 2008|08:16 am]

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title Navigating Minefields
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Stargate SG1/MCR
rating 15
pairing/characters: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack)&Gerard Way
disclaimer: MCR has never had a teenage clone of an air force colonel as a roadie. It's safe to assume this is entirely fiction.
summary: It's gruntwork. Anonymous. Simple. Routine. Not where he belongs, but he's not who he once was. It's not so bad, but tonight sucks.

title Cosmo & Wanda's New Fairly OddChild
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Bandom/The Fairly Oddparents
rating CRACK
pairing/characters: Cosmo/Wanda, MCR
summary: Timmy Turner has grown up. Cosmo and Wanda are searching for the perfect kid to watch over next, one that won't grow up so fast, has a good imagination and likes unicorns!
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Fic: Harry Skypotter and the Return of the Wizard Knights (PG-13) by Helen [Feb. 6th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Title: Harry Skypotter and the Return of the Wizard Knights
Author: Lady Remus
Fandom Crossover: Harry Potter/Star Wars (Return of the Jedi in particular)
Summary: This is “Return of the Jedi” Harry Potter style. Although some lines are lifted from the film and novel but most of it involves the changing of characters and plot. It is not the re-telling of “ROTJ” word-for-word. It’s “ROTJ” with a LOT of twists!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,172 (written as an one shot fic but due to the fact that there was too many words for one entry, the mod over at [info]crossover_hp split it up into two parts and so I am following suit).
Pairings/Main Characters: No pairings really (Remus/Sirius is used but not in an explicit manner). Main characters= Harry/Luke Skywalker, Hermione/Princess Leia, Sirius/Han Solo, Voldemort/Emperor Palpatine, Peter Pettigrew/Darth Vader (don’t ask!), Remus/Chewbacca, Ron/C-3PO, Fred and George/R2D2, Dumbledore/Obi-Wan and a lot of House Elves/Ewoks and Death Eaters/Stormtroopers!!!
Warnings: mentions of a homosexual pairing (trust me, it’s not explicit and does not involve bestiality, although the characters I chose might suggest it does. Sirius and Rembacca may be space pirates but they got morals!)
Disclaimer: The worlds of Harry Potter and Star Wars come from the minds of J.K. Rowling and George Lucas respectively. I don’t own them and I’m certainly not making any profit from this.
Beta Readers: [info]lotrwariorgodss and [info]writermerrin (Live Journal)
Author Notes: This was originally written for [info]youngest_one over at [info]crossover_hp. However, after submitting this piece, I got word from the mod [info]violet_quill that [info]youngest_one had not submitted his assignment so he would not be receiving a gift and asked me if I wanted it re-gifted. So now this fic is for [info]tarie and I hope he/she really likes it.

More author Notes )

The original posting of Part 1 can be found here and Part 2 can be found here

Part 1 (via my fan fic journal)

Part 2 (via my fan fic journal)
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Fic: Sanctus Espiritus, a SGA/Eureka crossover [Feb. 2nd, 2008|02:47 pm]

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For [info]14valentines Day 1: Body Image over on livejournal.

Title: Sanctus Espiritus
Author: Rhi
Characters: John Sheppard, Jack Carter, Radek Zelenka, Miko Kusanagi
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: [Insert witty comment here] SGA and Eureka do not belong to me.
Author's Note: The concept for this fic came to me a while ago, after I had a read a bunch of SGA/Eureka crossovers. I was struck by the thought that nearly every crossover involved Rodney coming to Eureka. I got to thinking that what if it was John that had the connection to Eureka. This is the result. It is set during the SGA episode The Return I and sometime after season 1 of Eureka.

Read it here
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February 2008 Challenges [Feb. 1st, 2008|06:41 am]

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The Bits & Pieces Challenge: kisses. 100-1000 words

February Theme: Harlequin AU anyone? after all it is the month of valentines. Harlequin-esque romance, minimum 750 words.

As always fic doesn't have to be related to the challenge or theme of the month, just ideas thrown out for inspiration.
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Fic link: With Bonus Pterodactyl (MCR/Torchwood) [Jan. 15th, 2008|02:58 pm]

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title With Bonus Pterodactyl
author: lisa roquin
fandom: MCR/Torchwood
rating crack, 15ish
pairing/characters: Mikey Way/Jack Harkness
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything. Nor are any copyrighted character's mine.
summary: There’s a list of things to do someday, Frank declared it covered all of them, including Matt because he was there when it was made. Visiting a Secret Underground Lair can now be checked off.
warning: if the header above this hasn’t scared you off, nothing will. slash.
author notes: one for the don’t even ask files.
word count: 1701
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January 2008 Challenges [Jan. 1st, 2008|02:40 pm]

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The Bits & Pieces Challenge: Ever popular "5 or 10 things (Character) Never Did"

January Theme: Something new. Be this your first time writing a particular character, the characters in the story buying/doing/seeing/whatever something they've never had/done/thought of before.

Fic doesn't have to be related to the challenge or theme of the month, old fic that fits the challenge is also welcome. Have fun.
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The Rules & Fandoms clarifications [Jan. 1st, 2008|02:13 pm]

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There will be a monthly themes and or challenges. Fic outside these are more than welcome, and if you have an old fic that fits the theme or challenge you're welcome to repost it here. If you want to post your epic WIP crossover as you go chapter by chapter, no one's going to stop you, but it would appreciated if you considered posting the header info w/ links to all the chapters when completed.

The Rules

1. All fic must be a crossover.

2. All Genres--gen, het, slash, femmeslash, real person allowed. All ratings from utterly harmless gen fluff to NC40 smut is welcome. Crackfic is always fun. Just label it okay?

3. All fic must be behind a cut tag and have an appropriate header which should include
--cut tag or link to the fic here--

note: Spoilers for current season of a television show or book/movie released within the last three months are a necessary warning. If you don't wish to put a pairing in your header if it is a fic with a pairing that's fine, but c'mon y'all have had to have seen at least one round of wank and flailing over het/slash wars etc. "Het" is considered a warning if you do not have a listed pairing and it contains graphic sexual situations as are "Slash" and "Femmeslash" or "Threesome/Moresome" as much as any kink.

Also, if you can't be bothered to read the header of a fic with the appropriate info warnings, you have no place to complain in the slightest about the fic's content. The header is not there for the author to point and say "I told you so" when you complain about the content of the fic.

4. No flaming. "You suck. This fic sucks. That's gross. You're sick to even think that up" is a flame. You will be banned. Constructive criticism is not. There is a difference. There is a difference.

What Constitutes a Crossover FAQ

1. Buffy & Angel, while two seperate series, yes, are one fandom for the sake of argument.

2. Yes I realize within Bandom itself Pete Wentz/Mikey Way would be considered a crossover but these bands tour together, spend months travelling the same festivals etc some level of interaction, especially within the Decaydance label (seeming) majority of bandom, is pretty much an expected thing in actuality so...I'm going to be a 'big clueless meanie' and put them under one umbrella.
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Questions, Complaints, Other Comments [Jan. 1st, 2008|11:10 am]


Comments are screened just to avoid any flame wars erupting or I want to ask but am afraid of starting a problem. Here's the place to do so.
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Suggestion Box [Jan. 1st, 2008|11:07 am]

Got an idea for a challenge or event drop it here.
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