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This would totally never happen...

April 2008
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Showcase Showdown (Susa-no-O / 2005)

Burbank, California. Land of television. Land of dreams. Though, as it turned out, not if those dreams involved anything other than getting drunk and staggering back to the Motel 6 at 4 a.m. The same three bars had been the scene of as much debauchery as you could summon in a run-down section of southern California. Gwydyon had thought there would be all manner of women, or 'bitches' as the vernacular of the day called them. Susa-no-O had been agreeable enough at first. Over the past three days Gwydyon had watched the Japanese god's mood steadily deteriorate. From bad to worse to almost homicidal. Burbank was officially a bust, much as Portland and Oklahoma City had been. If they didn't find something to do, they were going to descend into real apathy, and then Susa-no-O was going to murder something with his bare hands or a weapon so grotesque in nature that it did not bear description or use.

That was when he found him. )