March 14th, 2010

[info]whosoldtheworld in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hey guys. Sorry for falling off the face of the earth, but suddenly a million things cropped up in RL all at once. I'll call it a kinda-hiatus, because whenever I have a free moment my brain is not interested in doing anything RP-related, but that might go away as soon as tomorrow. We'll see. I'll definitely be around for the third day of this MD... so... if anyone wants to molest Rufus, that'd be the day to do it~ (B-Belle, maybe they'd want to meet and discuss their ebil plans...? >.>)

For now you can assume that, on the first day, he grabbed a scroll and went to ask someone what it was... then turned around the instant he got out his door and went straight back to sleep. By the second day he's figured out the gist of things, and picked sloth again, because he doesn't want to see what any of the others are like. I wanted to do something more creative than that, but... :/

Alright, wish me luck, see you in 1~3 days.