June 27th, 2009

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

Attack of the Plots!

Okay guys, two plots coming up!

FIRST! The Asgardian Meeting Plot! I'm thinking that I'll set the thread up tomorrow morning, which should give everyone enough time to get ready for it, since they knew it was coming. For those who don't want to participate in the thread or who are not here right now, don't worry. Blythe will be checking on the Asgardians who were quiet on the journals and it will be assumed that they were there, even if they say nothing ICly.

How the Asgardian Meeting Thread will work. )

SECOND! Tailypo and Banru set out to wreck some shit! We need an Asgardian volunteer to get the hell beat out of. Or, if you would rather that your character not get too beat up, I'm sure that we could come to some sort of agreement. The most important thing is just getting an Asgardian to be jumped in an ambush by Tailypo and Banru. Any takers?