April 2nd, 2009

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Rising from the Wreckage

Well, life kinda blew up in my face there, but well, it's getting put under control now. My brain is recovering from meltdown, and I'll be playing again, and will be posting up for Morana and Medusa today. Work still sucks, but well, that can't be helped. As long as no one mentions 'Tesco policy' here, I think I can keep control enough not to rant. ^^;

I know I've got my Asgard girl on the talisman plot so that'll get her going. However, Medusa needs action I mean of the plot kind you perv's ¬_¬, so if anyone's interested in throwing something at her, or maybe getting involved with her, because with all the research she's been doing, she might be looking out for test subjects. So, and victims volunteers?

Dear heaven I missed you guys!!! <3~

[info]lady_serpent in [info]chaosu_ooc

a short update

Something that has been plotted out for about a month now is finally going to come to "fruitation" - for a few days Asgard will be plagued with some other enthusiastic plant-life (an obscure power of Emerald's), the kind that at best will stir up latent allergies, and at worst can make one seriously ill. Thorny vines will start to cover the entire mansion, making it a little difficult to get in and out. 

Though the plants are poisonous, there are plenty of ways to kill them, from herbicide to fire. However, the problem won't go completely away until Frank gets the talisman from Emerald.

This newest nuisance for Asgard won't officially start until I hear back from Hannah (whom I just emailed today - I'm sorry about the wait, again), so I don't get too far ahead.

Edit: That's settled, Emerald is now on her newest mission to annoy Asgard.

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

Sorting Things Out!


Banru! When I originally put up a plot offering post for Banru, I asked who would want to have Banru harass their group. Tori replied and said she'd go for it if Clara was cool with it, but then she thought that Clara would probably not be back in time for a response on that, so she asked me to look elsewhere.

With this in mind, I contacted Dis, Kyra, and Nija. They gave me the okay to have Banru crash their Talisman party. And then Clara comes back and also gave the go-ahead.

Now this is awesome, because it's pretty much what I needed in order for Banru to get some of Metatron's feathers. First, Banru is going to hit Blythe's group, which I'm hoping will shake up the Asgardians enough that they will opt to take some of Metatron's feathers for protection the next time around (Metatron's feathers offer protection, a plot point that could perhaps be introduced by Brandy in a journal post after a conversation with Metatron?).

So then, Banru would attack Alessa's group, and somehow manage to get his hands on one or more of those feathers.

Would this be cool with everyone? Does anyone have anything they want to add? I'm posting it here instead of mailing everyone because it will be much more efficient.

[info]bansheescry in [info]chaosu_ooc

Incident at Radford

Hey guys. Not to freak you out. But I'm under lockdown right now because there is a man on our campus that apparently shot two students outside a major building here on Campus.

I wanted to let you guys know that I am fine and safe in my dorm.

Hopefully he will be caught.

Love you all.