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Mar. 30th, 2010


Well, we made it almost six months. Not bad for a bunch of pikers who were all dissatisfied from another game.

But, I think it's fairly obvious that Chaos Theory is dead. I was hoping it wouldn't end up like this, but I can't complain. I got a chance to write with some of the best writers on this server, and develop some characters (and some relationships) that have worked out so well, they've been carried over into private story lines and even other games.

You are all the best bunch of writers I've come across in awhile. Sure, we had a few lemons, but we made lemonade out of them and had fun anyway! I sincerely hope that you all find a new home somewhere else, and hopefully, I'll run across you all again in RP land.

I learned a lot from you guys; this is the first journal game I've modded, and I learned a lot on the fly about how to run (and not run) game-wide plots, what to take on and what not to take on, what rules to set and not, and mostly, how to be in charge and still have fun.

I hope you all have learned something from me, even if it's what not to do.

I'm going to leave the comm and everything open until April 5th, and after that, I'm locking it down and the community will disappear. I highly encourage everyone to download their logs, because there is some great writing here.

Thank you all for making Chaos Theory such a wonderful game.


Feb. 6th, 2010


Hola people!

My name is Nichole however Niki works fine! I love, love, love BTVS/ATS and used to rp the fandom all the time back in the day. I actually wasn't aware people still actively rp'd the gang or I would have found a home waaay before now! Dawns grown up a lot in my version so feel free to check out my app post if you will!

I look forward to playing with you all ic and hopefully getting to know you ooc!

Feb. 5th, 2010


A few things!

1) Week change is on Monday. With the loss of Angel and Spike, I'll be moving up the death of Wesley, and try and move the mod!plot along a little faster than I'd intended.

2) Next week will end the cursed clothing storyline for Giles, Beth, and Davan. Obviously, that one was a bit of a misfire, but thanks to [info]immortallydavan, it wasn't a complete wash-out. It was, in fact, a learning experience.

3) Now would be a great time to either make your first post in [info]chaos_storyline or go in and edit your previous posts, so everyone else can check and see what storylines need filling and so forth.

4) Thoughts and ideas are always welcome, so hit me up with any you'd like to share.

Feb. 1st, 2010


Hey, guys!

I told you all a fib. I told you I'd have the friender updated and everything, but! News! We have an Illyria being held, and before I go knocking about and rearranging things and whatnot, I'd like to wait until the hold expires, so there's only one set of editing to at once.

However, there are some plot fixes that we have ready to tell you.

  • Ethan will be taking over for Angel in the infiltration part of the mod!plot, thanks to [info]stay_and_gloat's lovely mun.

  • For now, we are saying that Spike has simply disappeared for a bit. No reasoning given yet, but no one is worried or searching because he's done it before.

  • Angel will continue to be referenced, much as Willow is, but not played by anyone until a new Angel has been recruited. We'll decide then what the backstory is and why he hasn't been active.

  • Riley has been underground, trying to shake off the last of the military surveillance. With the interception of this communique, however, he will be surfacing in Los Angeles.

  • Beth will be put on a brief hiatus while I decide how to untangle her from both Angel and Elena. The storyline will be, she has gone home to see her aunt for Christmas, and will return before New Year.

I think that's everything! If you have any questions, need any help, etc, please let us know!

Jan. 30th, 2010


Hi, guys! It breaks my heart, but we've lost our Spike and our Angel. :(

Freddie and I will be pimping hard to try and fill those roles, and, if you know of anyone who would be interested in either character, point them this way!

I'll be updating the friender later today, and Freddie and I are taking this weekend to hammer out some minor plot fixes and changes to account for the openings left by the characters. There'll be a post with more information, and an updated friender, by Monday or Tuesday!

Jan. 29th, 2010


Hey guys. Sorry to do this, but I'm going to have to drop Angel, Spike, and Elena. Hopefully you can find a new Angel & Spike without too much difficulty, but feel free to kill off Elena in a spectacularly gruesome way if you'd like. I recommend mutilation and dismemberment, personally. Take care!

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Just got back online after a lot of problems with my service provider. So sorry for any inconvenience.

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Hi, guys!

Monday is week change!

We've got some new characters, new players, and hopefully at week change, we'll have some new threads!

Currently, we've got the tree-decoration going on with Beth and Buffy as the potential group post of the moment, so if you're in the Christmas spirit, come on down!

Doyle ([info]bowlingshirts), Cordelia ([info]visionsinprada), Faith ([info]the_dark_slayer) and Ethan Rayne ([info]stay_and_gloat) are our new additions, so please UPDATE YOUR FRIEND LISTS

Jan. 21st, 2010


Hi, everybody! I'm Chris, and I'll be playing Ethan Rayne, that kooky old sorcerer we all know and love to hate (or hate to love in some cases). For now, he's hiding out, for fear of the wrath of Buffy. He'll crawl out of his hidey-hole when he feels it's safe.

Even with the PTSD, he still likes to antagonize people, namely a certain Slayer. :)

Jan. 16th, 2010


Hi, I'm Jodie and I just joined the group as Faith. I'm really looking forward to getting involved in the game...and Faith's just dying to start causing trouble start being a responsible citizen and saving everyone she can.

If anyone would like to chat or throw ideas etc at me, please feel free to drop me a line  -

I don't really have any set times as to when I'm online to chat over AIM, but please add me if you'd like to.

Jan. 15th, 2010


Sorry about going AWOL a couple of days there, but I'm back, just in time for the weekend, woohoo!

Today I'm going to be updating the taken/held characters list, the wanted characters list, and the friends-locked OOC contact list. Now would be a good time to head over to make sure your OOC information is correct! Also, please feel free to head over to the wanted characters page, and comment with any particular character you'd like.

Lastly, if you're looking for a new posting idea, head over to [info]chaos_storyline and see what storylines people are looking for, or make a post for yourself and let everyone else know what you need!

I'll also be working on updating tags, closing out some abandoned threads, and basic maintenance work like that.

Taken/Held Characters | Wanted Characters | OOC Info (F-Locked)

PS. IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, I AM GOING TO BE CHECKING ACTIVITY. Since the holidays are past, school has started back up, and everyone should be in a regular posting groove. It's been a week since the week change was posted, and our new players have already joined us. This is your warning; if I check and I find you're more than a few days behind without having let me know ahead of time (for example, see this post by [info]broodypants) you're going to be kicked.

Jan. 14th, 2010


Hello everyone!

Greetings! My name is Duckie and I bring to you the lovely Ms. Cordelia Chase. I'm pretty excited to have been invited to join the slew of dead characters returning <3 Cordelia will be returning from her coma (and death) to be quite surprised at what she sees. I will be bringing her as a half-demon, as I feel she would no longer be a higher being upon resurrection unless Jasmine was involved. (And forget that!) Additionally, I will probably employ partial to complete amnesia for the duration of her possession when she comes back to life. If it suits the plot we can always have her remember later :D

Feel free to contact me any time via email - thelightofduskATgmailDOTcom, via AIM - AmethystDuckie, or via Twitter - PrincessDuckie. I typically forget to take down away messages/put up away messages, so feel free to IM me any time, there's a good chance I'll be around in the evenings and on weekends.

I really look forward to playing with you all, both the familiar and new faces!


Jan. 13th, 2010


Hey, guys, Freddie here! Kel's gonna be taking a break tonight and tomorrow! She'll be back ASAP.


Hey guys, just to let you all know, I started school this week and it's keeping me crazy busy right now. In addition to a full-time course load, I also have to do a bunch of field experience/observation hours, AND I'm going to be a student teacher at an elementary school. So I may not be around as much this semester as I used to be (which I realize was not very much to begin with). That goes for Angel, Spike, and Elena. As for my current scenes, I'll try to get caught up on everything this weekend!

Jan. 12th, 2010


New Blood

We have Cordelia Chase, [info]visionsinprada
We have Faith Lehane, [info]the_dark_slayer

PLEASE UPDATE YOUR FRIENDS LISTS to include our new players! Hopefully they'll be posting intros soon and we can make sure they feel welcome here!


Just wanted to post a sorry here. I haven't been around because my computer decided to become very sick! I just got it back earlier today and have been trying to catch up with things. Apologies for this...I'll be all caught up just as soon as I possibly can.

Jan. 10th, 2010


I return from California tomorrow at around 12: 30 MTN tomorrow! I will be on my computer with aim again, and able to thread then <3

Jan. 8th, 2010



The original mod!plot had Wesley dying again. Considering we've been hemorrhaging players (and honestly, Wes fits better than I'd expected) and other things, Freddie and I worked out a few minor changes to the mod!plot.

  • Wesley will not die permanently. He will die, but he will also return due to the doorway spell cast by Maricha and her companion.

  • Previously killed characters are allowable now.

  • Fred is the only exception to this; her soul was "lost" when Illyria took over, therefore Fred is not salvageable

  • There will be a surprise in store for the people of the Pod, and I don't mean the clothes.

I just posted the next step of the mod!plot right here. Please make sure you read it so you know what's going on!

Characters WILL BE affected by this. The Watchers should notice the Slayers are getting restless again because the new surge of magic is triggering a new wave of dreams. The Slayers will be HAVING a new set of rough dreams, though not as bad as the first thanks to the herbal potion Giles has been giving out. If your character is sensitive to big-time mojo being performed (for example, Kali and Shiva are hellgods, they'd feel it as well) then your character will know something's up. This was NOT a subtle spell, folks.

This will also step up the pace of the surprise; I will speak to the players myself about it, and we should see the next phase launching in the next couple of real-time weeks. Once that phase wraps up, there'll be a decisive defeat of the bad guys, and they will spend a month or so, game time, licking their wounds, in which case the good guys will be dealing with the fallout and the mods will be formulating another plot to help move things along.

We will be including several back-from-the-dead characters right off the bat.

[info]bowlingshirts is Allen Francis Doyle, and we will also be adding a Cordelia. Because the current step of the mod!plot opens it up, we are allowing dead characters to return. This will be a permanent situation. The only exception is Fred, as stated above, because of her special situation.

And, since we do have a new player?



you've left me so happy i could die


Hey, dudes! My name is Kari and I love exclamation points, so don't mind my overuse of them in this post! I'd like you all to meet Doyle! You might know him from the first nine episodes of Angel. He's pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie! Imagine his suprise, though, when he finds himself drowning in icy water after having JUST been being burnt to a crisp! Honestly, he thought he was a goner after his selfless act aboard the Quintessa. At the moment, he's heading back to the office to let his his buddies know that he's alive and well. He just knows that he'll be interrupting them mid-mourning, so he's a little excited to get his hero's welcome as soon as he walks in the door! -cough- Poor guy. xDDD

Anyway, I'm REALLY excited to be here! I copied off of you folks and put up that question prompt in his journal, so feel free to ask away and help me to amuse myself while I wait for the plot that allows him to come on back! So, all that stuff above about what he's doing is actually what he will be doing once the plot hits. My AIM is sokariwaslike, IM me if you see fit!

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