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Jan. 7th, 2010


There are going to be some major changes to the mod!plot coming with the next week change. What those changes are I'll let you know as soon as I get them organized properly and run a few things by individual players.

The biggest one of those changes is going to be that characters that have died are now able to return (at least for now, probably permanently.) There have been people in the past few months that have expressed interest in Doyle and Cordelia, and I've contacted them to see if they are still interested in coming in next week. We also have a hold on Faith which will be expiring on the next week change, so hopefully we will be regaining a Faith soon.

Week Change will come next Monday, to give everyone enough time to recover from the holiday delay and get back into the swing of things. The Thanksgiving thread is now closed to new entrants; I highly encourage you to take the rest of the week and finish up your threads in the group post.

If you're interested, Logo is airing "The Best of Buffy" and next week Lover's Walk is one of the episodes airing. They don't seem to be airing in any particular order, but I'm not complaining. So if you get Logo, check it out. (It's 272 on Direct TV; I don't know about Dish or Cable.) You can also catch episodes at,, and (And thus ends the public service announcement portion of the posting)

I'm going to head over to the storyline comm next and delete out the posts of characters who are no longer with us. I encourage you to go and edit your own posts if you've lost storyline partners, and to make yourself a list of past and current threads in case IJ goes wonky with the notifs again. Again, none of those are things you're required to do but it might make your life organizationally easier.

Lastly I'm opening up for suggestions, encouraging input, etc. What do you like around here, what do you hate around here, etc. Feel free to chime it in! I love you guys, and I'd love to hear what's going on with you.

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Hiding - A short story.

I figured that the OOC comm was the best place to put this, it's a piece of Davan's past, written back in 2007 and just recently found. It would take place about 7 years before game time.

Hiding )

Dec. 28th, 2009


Midweek Modliness

Kennedy Perez - [info]on_a_missiongal
Daniel "Oz" Osborne - [info]inrazorkit
Maria Montez - [info]octoberwitch
Kyle Reese - [info]artfreak

Please make sure to run the friender and update your list

  • Thanksgiving has been going on for a week as of today, and if you haven't posted in the thread by now, you've been removed from the game. Other than that? I'm seriously pleased with the way Thanksgiving is going. I love you guys.

  • Edna will be handing out presents to several people in the Pod, as a kind of after-Thanksgiving soiree. If your character is involved, you'll be receiving an OOC email or IM to explain what's going on with what you got, courtesy of Edna's clothing line. This is a part of the mod!plot, and if you don't want to be involved, feel free to decline. We won't mind.

  • Please feel free to pimp the game. That being said, every single writer that's still here and hasn't given up, is awesome. I'm happy with everyone we got now. You guys all rock.

  • Christmas is our next big in-game thing. Please do remember we've got vampires in game, and so having big huge crosses hanging up in the middle of your character's Christmas displays (if they choose to have them, of course) would be a little tacky. That being said, please feel free to have your characters decorate however they'd like.

  • With the next week change, there'll be an update as to what's going on with the mod!plot, where we are, and what's coming.

Dec. 27th, 2009


Hey guys,

I went home for x-mas and had NO internet for a few days. Now I'm back at my actual home and am trying to catch up on the endless internet. So, if I don't post by tonight, I definitely will tomorrow.

Thanks for being patient! :) And I hope you all had a good holiday~

Dec. 22nd, 2009


let's have some fun!

This looks like hella fun. The kids I have up are Kali, Edna, Ritchie, and after Thanksgiving in-game, Makani.

Give me one of my characters and one of yours and I will tell you- no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, I will make up an uncanon child.)

A. Name
B. Zodiac/Birthdate
C. Circumstances of Conception
E. Three Random Facts


Sorry to say...

Internet is extremely rare and i don't have time to roleplay all that much anymore. If i do get full working internet i will come back to roleplay with you all. So i will leave you and hope that you all have a happy holiday's.


OOC Playing About

I've been in other communities that have a meta comm, or a random comm, and I've always wondered why. And then I ran across this little jewel, which has seriously made me re-think my choice NOT to have an ooc/meta comm for here.

Give me one of my characters and one of yours and I will tell you- no matter how ridiculous the pairing- the following about their first child (if they are canonically a couple with children, I will make up an uncanon child.)
A. Name
B. Zodiac/Birthdate
C. Circumstances of Conception
E. Three Random Facts

So, since I'm bored at the moment and really kind of interested what you guys come up with I'm throwing this up for my modly self; up for grabs are Beth Holden, Riley Finn, Rupert Giles and Shiva (a.k.a. Devdas Sharmas). Anyone else who wants to throw their kids open, you can either make your own post, or leave it as a comment here.

Dec. 19th, 2009


Hi to everyone. I just joined and I'll be bringing in a new Watcher. Sorry for the delay in posting to say hello but things have just been so nuts what with Christmas coming up.

Hoping to get involved as soon as possible

Dec. 16th, 2009


We have a new player! everybody make sure to add [info]dean_petrado to your friends lists, and October'll be in soon to introduce herself and Dean!

Dec. 14th, 2009


Just a heads up for anyone who's threading with Spike, Angel, or Elena:

At the moment, our friend Alison is having some health problems, and that's making it extremely difficult for her to be answering threads for awhile. So she's going to be briefly absent for awhile until things settle down with her. Send her all your best wishes!


Greetings and felicitations! Hip hip hoorah, and I believe that is pronounced, Tally-Ho!

I know that you're all expecting a week change, but that's going to be delayed for a bit.

At the moment, we have quite a few open threads (most of that is my fault cause I flooded the page with all the backed-up Giles tags!) that need a chance to work out and resolve a little further before we move on. Secondly, one half of your mod team is wrestling with finals this week, and thirdly, the other half is taking care of a few minor personal issues as well as some administrative issues.

Therefore, that means Week Six is going to occur NEXT monday, instead of today. Please make sure you use this extra time wisely, and do your best to finish up any open tags that'll keep you from moving forward!

Also, several character and PB holds expire today, so please feel free to pimp the game wherever you'd like, as those characters are being returned to the Wanted list.

Lastly, there's a few more activity removals. I was lenient during the last check because seasons are changing, finals are happening, and people are sick, but when it's more than ten days and the limit is three? I can't turn a blind eye to that.

Activity Removals
[info]notsorogue -- 10 days behind on tags
[info]crosskeeper -- 14 days behind on tags
[info]chaos_magician -- 14 days behind on tags; hold + extension both dropped
[info]slayercovax & [info]wolvencovax -- 8 days behind on tags.

I gave everyone a chance, and all received warnings before. In keeping with the game rules, these players have been removed from Chaos Theory. If they wish to come back and be an active player, the door is always open.

Dec. 13th, 2009


Happy Birthday, Irish!


Music! )

Dec. 10th, 2009


Good News:
During the most recent activity check, most everyone was either active, or had let me or the OOC community know what was up!

Bad News:
I did find a couple people that're going to have to be removed.

Midterm Removals

We've tried contacting both players through PM and email, and gotten no response. The door is certainly open for them to return if they should get back in contact with us, but for the moment, we have to say goodbye to both.

Dec. 9th, 2009


Here we go! Freddie turned me on to this information, and I figured it was worth sharing.

Logo and MTV are going to be airing Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs! TNT is already airing Angel, so between the two channels, anyone who doesn't have all the DVDs can get their fix, or refresh their memories!

But it'll be a party either way! Prep your DVRs!


Hey all

Been sort of busy this past week or so, kind of been sick and work and than just getting ready for my girlfriend to come down for the first visit. So replies have been slow, but i promise i will get to replies and so on soon. heck i think i only have two right now. :-)

Dec. 7th, 2009


Hey, guys! Time for me to put on the mean mod hat, instead of the cool mod hat, because I've got a bone to pick.

Freddie and I aren't the only ones who can pick up open tags, you know. That's kind of the point of open tags; it means anyone in the game can pick it up, and it gives a chance for different people to interact with each other.

I was going through the main community getting ready to start my activity check, and what do I find? An open-ended tag from a new player that nobody bothered to pick up.

Guys, c'mon. Work with me, here. We're all a part of the same community, we're all friends, and there shouldn't be a tag left open for weeks on end! There's several characters who need to get out there and mix it up, and these posts are the way.

I'm not punishing anyone, because that's not my place. But there's gonna be something changing, or we're gonna die off. Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple game weeks; there'll be a big group post then, and if your character doesn't interact (there will be exceptions, because if your character doesn't belong, isn't invited, or you are not able to be around, obviously you can't post) then you're going to be removed.

For the community to live, we're gonna have to have players who participate with each other. And I'd kind of appreciate it if you'd comment here and let me know you've read this, just so it doesn't come as a shock later when this actually goes down.

Dec. 4th, 2009


MIA again

Hey guys, sorry that I've been MIA, again. First it was Thanksgiving travel with limited net access and then, when we got back home I got a smack down from some kind of almost-but-not-quite-the-flu bug. It's had me fuzzy headed and unable to concentrate on anything for any extended amount of time so... yeah, writing anything was sort of out of the question.

Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little better now so I'm hoping to actually get back in the game far more regularly starting this weekend.

Again, sorry for the going MIA thing.


Happy Birthday, Alison!

click me!

Dec. 2nd, 2009


I apologize ahead of time for all the Giles posts going up, but I've been promising them to several people and I'm getting them all up now, while I have the time! <3 Bear with me, please, ilu all!

Nov. 30th, 2009


Since Willow is gone....

I'm going to say she went away to england due to a friends death in the coven, i'd see that as a good reason she would up and leave. So when we find the next Willow she'll know why she left, if anyone else has a better idea let me know.


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