Nov. 11th, 2009


Muahaha MOD POST

I'd like to swoop in here and shake the mod stick at everyone! I'd hope this week you'll all have the chance to finish up old threads and tag them as CLOSED or COMPLETE so there will be room for new ones. Also if you are not in any threads at the moment don't be afraid to jump on someone else's open thread! Or if there are none open make one for yourself! We don't bite unless it's our character's MO to do so.

Thanks for making this place so awesome guys!


Nov. 7th, 2009



Hi there, ladies and gentlemen!

Because of the oops! I made not letting you guys know ahead of time about the Buffy drop, I decided I needed help.

So, I now have not one, but TWO co-mods to help me out and clean up what I miss! We'll all be operating out of this journal, since it is the mod journal, and they'll also have access to the mod email, (

They're both players in the game, that we all know and love, and they've been advising me along the way anyhow, so it's past time really that I made it official. So, Blake and Freddie, welcome to the wonderful world of co-moderatorship! They'll be helping me approve apps, mediate discussions, tidy up the holds, and all the billions of little things I missed already, like trailing behind me, fixing the HTML codes that I screw up and overall making sure that this game STAYS fun. Bring problems to any one of us, through the mod drop box, the mod email, or AIM. One or more of us is usually on at any given time, but if you can't get in touch with us immediately, my AIM (havocdogsofwar) is set up to receive offline IMs, so feel free to drop me a note there and I'll get it as soon as I sign on.

Nov. 5th, 2009


Mod Notes


At some point this afternoon, I will be going back and tagging the OOC and RPG posts pertaining to the mod!plot so that they're easily accessible and everyone knows what is going on and what information is available to whom.

Secondly, that brings me to the tags. I'm only tagging the important things here in the OOC community, so hopefully that'll make things easy to find. for IC information, check the Public Service Announcement tag, because that is your moderator's way of communicating things in game. for OOC, please check the mod post or mod!plot tags.

Thirdly, we have tons of new people, so hopefully we'll be seeing new posts from them soon! Please make sure they feel welcome!

[info]ritchiearts as Ritchie the artist!
[info]pyleanmisfit as Lorne! "NUMFAR! DO THE DANCE OF JOY!"
[info]thefelineone, Melanie Martin!
[info]nathansliver, Nathaniel Sliver!
[info]artfreak, Kyle Reese!

Lastly, I promised you all a decision, and here it is:

the No Dead Folks rule is going to stay in place. I weighed a lot of things carefully, I thought through a lot of things, including the fact that almost everybody is clamoring to play the same people. (I kid you not, both in the mod journal and through IM I have had at least six people ask me about Wes and Tara.) There is no way I can fairly open it up and suddenly have a billion applicants for two characters. Nor is it fair for me to exclude current players from picking up one of them.

Nor could I (or anyone else) police every single entry that is written to make sure that it fits with whatever rules that I might've put in place about how they're coping with being yanked out of heaven/hell or whatnot.

There is no easy answer here, except the one we started out with, and that is, no dead folks coming back. I know that's disappointing to a lot of you, and I apologize for that. But this is the only decision that I can come to that is fair to everyone, including me.

After the mod!plot gets really rolling, I'll reconsider it again because by that time, it'll be a lot more appropriate for something like that to happen. But for right now, it's still no.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Informal check ahead!

Week One is almost done, and personally, I'm giddy with how well things are going.

But I'm also open to suggestions, if anyone else has run across any wrinkles that need working out or whatnot.

I'm going to keep tagging for the next week; I'm finding they're actually useful for me because I like reading everybody's threads and I can find out what's going on. :-D

Also, a(nother) mod-controlled NPC is going to debut soon, the first step of the Big Bad trying to salvage itself. Eventually the character will go up for adoption, but for the moment, it's merely being used as a plot device.

So! Time for you guys to chime in.

  1. Tags? Y/N

  2. Would it be beneficial to have a set of premades or adoptables? I ask this because premades seem to be all the thing lately.

  3. Wanted Characters? Go post them here.

  4. What do you want to see added, changed, or improved?


Oct. 19th, 2009


I'll add a Week One tag to the community tags; if you'll mark all of this week's posts Week One, I'd appreciate it. The tags are a test at this point; I have no idea if they'll be worth keeping up. The intent is to keep tagging, and after a month or so, toss it up to you guys.

As far as the community-wide things go, any of your characters can post to anyone about these things, but it's not necessary. Several of these things like the establishment of the library and armory, are going to take weeks to resolve and are not of major importance. The important ones won't start for at least a couple of weeks yet.

I'm adding a couple of things to the Rules/FAQ, and that's filtering. ...mostly because it came to my attention last night. In the RPG comm, if you need to post a filtered thread to only one or two other characters, please put that in the subject line, or in the first line of the post.

Lastly? If you haven't checked it out in the last twenty-four hours or so, the OOC comm (and soon, the RPG comm once I get the kinks worked out) has a new look! [info]chaostheory_ooc and let me know what you think.

If anyone's tired of the frequent postings, I'm sorry! I'm a random person, and sometimes, things just occur to me. <3

Oct. 17th, 2009


The Promised OOC Catchup Post

OOC Catch-Up Post!

previously, on (bleep)!

The previous game was set in Thirlestane Castle, in Lauder, Scotland, UK. The remains of the Watcher's Council, those that survived the Bringers, anyway, were slowly making their way up to Scotland and Thirlestane, which had been renamed The Citadel. The head of the Council, a very unfriendly and stick-up-his-bum man named Richard Ainsley (who was and is a shared NPC between the game mods and his son, Patrick W. Ainsley), was not fond of Buffy or her Watcher Rupert Giles, and there would have been several clashes between them as they struggled for power over the reforming Council as well as the training of the newly awakened Slayers.

Patrick Ainsley is a Watcher, son of Richard Ainsley, and disowned by his father for the most part. Giles feels vaguely fatherly towards Patrick, and now that everyone is working together in the same space, he will try and stand between Richard and Patrick.

The game had just gotten on its feet, and the biggest happenings were people still showing up at the Citadel and having reunions or planning sessions for setting things up.

In particular:

*Riley Finn had arrived in Lauder, and had taken a room at one of the local inns. Currently on an extended solo mission for the black-ops military group he worked for, his orders were to maintain silence except for status reports and a list of personnel currently at the Citadel. He began his investigation at Lauder Cemetary, looking for fresh graves and recent deaths to make sure that there were no vampires or demonic threats in the area before reporting back to his superiors. While at the cemetary, he met...

*Spike, the vampire with a soul, who had survived the Los Angeles Apocalypse. During the fight he had gotten separated from the others on Team Angel, and he was wandering now, taking some time to himself before trying to find Angel and the others. When he got wind of Buffy and the others, he headed to Scotland and met up with ...

*Patrick Ainsley, whom we've met before, and who invited him into the castle.

*Andrew was also at the Citadel, and also ran into Spike. Andrew was currently undergoing Watcher training under...

*Rupert Giles. We all know Rupert's story, but he meets...

*Davan Collins, a relatively new addition to the Citadel. He'd just arrived a few days before we moved, and he is a cursed immortal. Davan has had encounters with Giles and Spike, and has offered his help to Giles with cataloging and translating some of the older manuscripts that the Watchers possess. Davan's arrival coincided with...

*Beth Holden, who arrived at the castle as a demon hunter who had been awakened as a Slayer. She had already been in the country because she had family there, and when she got the news of Buffy and co. camping out at Thirlestane, she made her way over to the castle immediately.

Those are the main things that we brought along with us. The collected threads for Spike and Riley, and Spike and Andrew, probably still have references to Lauder and/or Thirlestane in them, but that's mostly because we haven't gone back and re-written the references.

Mostly what has changed is the venue and the eventual over-arching plot:

The venue has changed from Scotland to Los Angeles. No, Los Angeles is not in Hell; our canon ends with the TV shows. I know there's been canon after that for both shows, but for the purpose of the game, Buffy Season 7 and Angel season 5 is as far as our canon goes.

Spike, Ainsley, Giles, Riley, Davan, Andrew, and Beth are all coming from the old game, but we are assuming that instead of going to Scotland, they've gone to Los Angeles. Instead of the castle, it's the old Wolfram & Hart building. There may be some tweaks in the current bios to reflect what happened--for example, I'm going to be tweaking Beth's biography to have her family in Los Angeles instead of Scotland--and make it a little easier to fit everyone in the new framework.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask them, and those of us with transplanted characters will answer as soon as we can.

Oct. 16th, 2009


Modly Reminders

  1. Please don't forget to update your friends lists. I'm doing my best to add new people in as they come, so please, make sure you're checking the friending tool. Come Monday or Tuesday, I'll be attempting daily adds, depending on if we have them or not.

  2. If the mod journal hasn't friended you, speak up. My aim is havocdogsofwar, you can PM me at any of my journals, the OOC drop box, or comment here. You can't get to the friends tool if I don't add you.

  3. New additions, please check the OOC contact list about a half hour from the time this post goes in. If I've gotten any of your information wrong, or have it in the wrong place, please let me know.

  4. Lastly, I've made some minor tweaks to the rules and the application. Don't freak, nobody has to change or update anything. For the application process, anyone who's picking up a second/third/fourth/fifth character doesn't need to provide a writing sample. Just stick in one (or all, if you're type-A like me) of your current Chaos Theory game journal(s) and that'll be your sample. As far as the rules go, it's only an additional note: the mod plays Giles, but Giles is not the moderator. However, periodically Giles will post Public Service Announcements, which is just a way for me to disseminate information to you guys.

ETA: Jean's post brings up a valid question: would it be beneficial to post a catch-up OOCly to let everybody else know where the transplanted storylines stand?

Oct. 15th, 2009


Modly Things

Modly Things:

Wanted Characters?
Feel free to add them to the current Wanted Characters post found right here.

FAQ & Rules
Any questions or any information you think needs to be added? Drop me a line and let me know. Right now the rules are fairly loose and easy, because I don't believe in regimenting things about the wazoo. The only hard and fast rule I am holding anyone to is the activity one, and I don't even think that's unreasonable.

Right now, since we're just getting the ball rolling, the holds are indefinite, first-come and first-serve. However, once the game actually gets started, the holds will go down to a week.

Also, HI!!!! Welcome! <3 you can always hit me up at havocdogsofwar or hit me up through the mod journal.