March 25th, 2008

[info]born_mods in [info]born_ooc

PLAYERS, tell us what you think!

Currently, we have FOUR fantastic plot ideas and of course, we want your input on them.

Comments are screened, so please comment with your pick of the plot ideas as well as any critiques you have on them, or any plot suggestions you have or would like to see. Be as honest as you like, the results won't be visible to anyone except the mods and we promise not to take umbrage at anything you say.

1) Something like the Model UN except for the wizarding schools, so International Conference of Wizards in miniature.
2) Exchange program with Portkeys set up in the schools so that students can study their favorite programs under other Professors.
3) Summer camp, complete with awesome crazy activities to bond the students together!
4) A foreign relations class, compulsory for all older students, which meets at set intervals in a neutral place and has students studying together from all four schools.

All of those would obviously need chaperons, so the teachers can jump in there.