Nov. 12th, 2007


Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm sure you've all read Laylah's latest fic, and most of us at least smirked at one line in particular.
Here's what it prompted me to draw:

I love it when this happens.

Um, I guess worksafe? Maybe not worksafe for crossdressing? )
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Jul. 26th, 2007


[art] Jade and Peridot

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]dr_schreaber)

here's another one :D. this is an idea that's been rolling around in my head for a while now, and I couldn't seem to shake it >_>

Title: Cozy
Warnings: so much fluff >_>
Characters/pairing: Jade + Peridot
Rating: PG
Notes: of course [info]laylah and [info]maho_kiwi rule the bijou :D

Read more... )
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May. 19th, 2007


Fic: Mercury Bright (Jasper/Peridot, NC-17)

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sister_coyote)

[info]laylah wrote some marvelous Bijou cyberpunk AU, and also put the idea for cyberpunk-AU Peridot being rebooted in my head. This is what came out of that. Many thanks to [info]laylah for letting me borrow her characters and her AU!

Mercury Bright
Peridot gets rebooted. Jasper takes advantage.
Bijou cyberpunk AU, Jasper/Peridot. 1621 words.
Not worksafe for sex. Consent dubious due to altered state of consciousness.

The sky outside was clear graphite-grey... )

Aug. 17th, 2006


Cobalt-sama birthday's art ♥

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

YAY! I was able to finish it in time!!
...Must buy a new pencil... DAMN.

The Best Cake - Cobalt/Jade/Peridot )

Jun. 24th, 2006


High Maintenance

I used to henna my hair, so when it came to light that Peridot also uses it, I knew what that meant: every month, he's going to spend a couple of hours with hot, green, muddy goop on his head, topped with an old towel, during which time it is impossible to do anything more demanding than slouch around with a book. And it's not going to be a good book, because that book is going to get stains on it and it sucks to ruin something you like.

Good times. There's a reason he looks really, really bored.

Not really worksafe, there's a butt. :)

So. Here's Peridot, with henna. )
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Jun. 11th, 2006


Fanarts. Obviously.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Laylah, Maho Kiwi. I WANNA SLEEP.
STOP inspiring me. PLEASE T_T


'Cruel Intent' - Jade/Cobalt/Peridot )
'You're SO going to adore me...' - Cobalt/Customer )

Thanks for the attention~

May. 31st, 2006


I - I don't think I have an excuse.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lazulisong)

Please excuse the retard and her Pearl obsession. *FLEES*

Pearl-centric, Peridot sings )
Pearl, a hoarding creature )
The advantages of people not knowing what you're calling them )
Lapis thinks some things are pretty even if he can't quite put it in words )
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