Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's Journal
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Friday, January 11th, 2008

    Time Event
    Ianto watched Tosh and Owen leave after a particularly tiring case, and sighed, locking up the tourist shop before heading down to the hub, calling out tiredly, "Jack, do you want coffee?"
    Ianto (Coffee)
    He'd been sleeping a lot more than usual (for him, anyway) for the past few weeks. Last night, though, it had been extremely broken - vivid dreams, half-waking up because he was uncomfortable and to change his position. He finally gave up and got up. He felt fairly crappy but put it down to interrupted sleep. He managed to start the coffe, and to shower and change without incident, and then headed back to the kitchen.

    He walked into the smell of brewing coffee and his stomach instantly rolled over. He didn't even think about trying to make it all the way back to the nearest bathroom. Hell, he was lucky to make it to the sink before the roll turned into a heave, and he was puking his guts up. Really, violently, ripping at his throat, making his eyes water, loudly sick.

    Ianto was going to kill him.
    1- Content
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Content
    Warnings and Notes: None
    'Tomorrow the world may go to hell.' Again. )

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