Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's InsaneJournal:

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    Saturday, January 17th, 2009
    8:50 am
    It was early in their relationship. John was still struggling to stay clean, and hadn't been there long enough to not feel like shit. Which is why someone he'd been fucked by, in a writhing mass of bodies and a blurred and alcohol soaked and cocain dusted night in a club, had turned up positive didn't just scare or even terrify him. It convinced him he was going to die.

    Which was why he turned up about half drunk on Geoff's doorstep, eyes blood shot and whole body shaking.
    Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
    7:54 am
    John had left Boulder and come to work in New York a few weeks ago. Since then he'd gotten busy with settling into his apartment, finding and going to the gym, and the usual rehersals and promotional work that went along with a Broadway production. He found his groove and settled into it.

    That was fine, except the groove also included a lot of partying, alcohol and drugs all over the place. He wasn't drinking or using but the temptation was there -- and much as he wished otherwise, Gus was useless for this. He was useless for this because Gus drank like a fish, smoked, and partied like a 21 year old frat boy.

    So, John didn't bother looking to Gus for support. He kept his head down and worked.

    And lured Geoff to the city.
    Saturday, December 13th, 2008
    10:51 pm
    M-Preg Universe Jack
    Morgan was 15. He was empathetic, certainly, mildly psychic, but, on the whole, human in his thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Including his rebellious phase, which, at 15, led him to running away to Cardiff and straight to the hub.

    He broke in with an amount of ease that Ianto certainly would find disturbing, settled at Jack's desk with a cup of coffee and announced, "I'm not going back."
    Saturday, November 1st, 2008
    4:58 pm
    Meeeeeeca -- (Seriously, any character)
    It was 8 a.m when John's plane touched down in Cardiff.

    As he'd just come from the West Coast of Canada, saying he was jet lagged was a bit like saying the sea was a little damp. He found himself a cup of coffee and a pastry, and shortly thereafter found himself a bench in front of the Roald Dahl Plas. He left his dufflebag at his feet, and tried desperately to wake up.
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
    6:53 pm
    Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
    11:25 pm
    Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008
    11:08 pm
    Title: Predatory
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Relaxed
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    It just means I have to keep staying away. )
    10:41 pm
    9- Red
    Title: Predatory
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Red
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg, Graphic blood and gore, and birth
    You mean I shouldn't have been watching pregnancy shows? )
    10:21 pm
    8- Predatory
    Title: Predatory
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Predatory
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    ...What's going on?. )
    Saturday, January 19th, 2008
    10:10 pm
    Going back to Torchwood had been the right thing to do, but it hadn't been as easy as he'd expected. It hadn't been easy at all, actually. It had been walking away from a part of himself, a reminder of someone he'd loved, and someone he still cared about. That was hard as hell.

    Because it was hard, he hadn't gone back.

    He'd told the necessary lies, and told them until even Gwen had believed them. He'd sent the odd note -Christmas card, birthday card, alien toy- but he'd kept his distance. It took 17 months for the need to go back to fade enough for him to think maybe he could go back, and another month after that to even try.

    Morgan was a year and a half old when the SUV pulled up to the tiny house. Jack got up and made his way up the walk to the door, coat billowing around his legs, and knocked confidently on the door. His knock was confident. He didn't feel all that steady, suddenly, as he waited on Ianto to answer, and let himself wonder (for the first time in a long time) just what Morgan was like now.
    Friday, January 18th, 2008
    1:04 pm
    Ianto - Red
    It had been a long day.

    The rift had been, mercifully, peaceful. Nothing more exciting than reports about rogue weevils had come through. Jack had sent the team out to chase them down - Owen with Tosh for the first, and when the second report had come through Ianto with Gwen. He'd stayed at the hub and coordinated.

    When they came back, he declined having dinner with him and put his desk in order, instead. He went down to his room for about half an hour, and got things sorted out down there. When it was time to head home, he held Ianto back though, by that point, it probably wasn't necessary.

    The others left, probably assuming they were going to fuck.

    As soon as the heavy door rolled closed, he said simply and evenly. "Let's drive."
    10:54 am
    7- Pensive
    Title: Pensive
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Pensive
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    Anything about alien children in there? )
    10:42 am
    6- Kinky
    Title: Kinky
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Kinky
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    Stop calling me sir. )
    10:30 am
    Title: Facade
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Facade
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    Normally I'd vote for dying as a quick fix )
    10:20 am
    4- Energetic
    Title: Energetic
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Energetic
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    If life is nature's way of keeping meat fresh, I'm loaded with preservatives - and I want a burger )
    10:02 am
    3- Annoyed
    Title: Annoyed
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Annoyed
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    I'm looking for not getting space syphilis )
    9:44 am
    "Jack," Ianto came into Jack's office, "Save what you're working on."

    It had been a quiet day in a quiet week. Gwen and Owen were gone, Tosh was still at her computer.

    Ianto seemed, frankly, antsy, Jack's great coat in his arms.
    Thursday, January 17th, 2008
    11:07 pm
    Title: Coffee
    Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
    Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
    Fandom: Torchwood
    Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
    Theme(s): Coffee
    Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
    You want to see me pee on a stick and watch the lines show up? )
    10:13 am
    Jack- Pensive
    Everyone else was gone for the day, exhausted after all of them being chased and chasing around an alien monkey that was, basically, an eight foot toddler.

    Ianto was sitting in the kitchen, feet propped up on the table and reading a pregnancy book.
    Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
    8:46 pm
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