Becky and Mecca's House of Crazy's Journal
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Saturday, January 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    It had been almost a month since Jack had told him- since Jack had found out- and it hadn't come up. Jack threw up in the mornings, Ianto brought him weak tea and crackers until the nausea subsided- usually in just enough time for the others to come in. Ianto started feeding Jack prenatal vitamins and arranged time in the afternoons, when he could, for Jack to have a nap or be sick from lunch. It wasn't ideal, but, so far, it was working.

    It had been almost a month since Ianto had slept with Jack. He didn't make a big deal of it and he wasn't hiding from Jack by any means. He rubbed Jack's back and touched him, but he didn't kiss Jack, didn't try to steal quick presses of his body to Jack's.

    He brought Jack a cup of tea in the early evening, after everyone else had left for the day, Owen sporting a vicious cut on his lower arm from what looked like a tiny dinosaur that was now curled up with Myfanwy in her nest. "Good evening, sir."

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