Aug. 6th, 2010


a quiet ride - kyra, aksel - aug. 17

who: Kyra, Aksel
when: aug 17, morning
where: the stables, the woods
rating: R because these are Boltons
status: closed closed closed

Aug. 5th, 2010


Who: Selester and any gentleman of quality who chooses to attend
What: Selester hosts a game of tiles in his chambers.
When: August 21st, evening
Where: The Tyrell quarters, in the sitting room.
Status: Open to male nobles in Summerhall, though a notification seems almost deliberately to have NOT reached King Jaehaerys.
Rating: PG-13, possibly rougher depending on how much Boys Are Boys.

The room had been cleared out; no servants save the guards outside the doors. The remainder of the alcoholic baggage of the Tyrell train had been set out on the sideboard and was being worked through. The table was the largest he had managed to wrangle from the castellan, and it seated more than enough guests. It was HARDLY a party, of course -- just a simple, sedate recreation to which all the noblemen (save the King in his mourning) had been invited. A quiet game of tiles -- low stakes by the standards of the nobles in attendance... at least, so far.

Selester sat in the seat facing directly at the door. His hands reached out to move the tiles around on the table, shuffling them about. "Well played, well played, my good lord." With a smile, he clacked a few together and looked about at his fellow players. "Another hand?"

Jul. 23rd, 2010


who: Daven, ?
where: Summerhall, the courtyard
when: August 21, afternoon
status: OPEN
rating: PG