Slashing Stargate Atlantis
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New Community

Hello. I apologize in advance if this is against any rules I did not notice. I would just like to take the opportunity to promote my new community, [info]kidsofatlantis.

Some of you may recognize this community as a replica of the one on LJ. That's because it is! It's a community (asylum) devoted to all things kids and Stargate: Atlantis.

Need a place to post your mpreg? Or perhaps you have a lovely fanart of one of the characters holding a baby? We accept all ratings and genres, including gen, het, and slash, so long as the rules are followed. The aforementioned rules can be found through a link on the profile, or by following this link

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me, drop a comment at this post, or one at [info]kidsofatlantis

x-posted like crazy (I is sorry). Again, sorry if this breaks the rules. No hard feelings if you delete it!