Slashing Stargate Atlantis
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FIC (Repost, sorta) Perchance to Dream (John/Rodney, hard R)

Now that the episode has aired, I can put this puppy up on the website and broadcast it!

Perchance to Dream
by MrsHamill

Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For episode 404, Doppleganger
Summary: Why weren't there any hot girls in Sheppard's dreams?
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat
Notes: [info]mecurtin wanted bed!fic and [info]amireal wanted comment fic about Doppelganger so I did my best!

* * *

To da fic!

Current Mood: accomplished

What a wonderful tag!

Thank you for fixing John's wee little bed. I feel so sorry for him, in that too small bed. The pleasure pit -- love it!

But seriously, as much as I love the smut, having Teyla touch Rodney's hand as they left the mess hall gave me the most glee. This episode had some great team moments, and that touch is the perfect coda.

That episode has officially replaced Sateda as my favorite of all time! SUCH a lot of stuff in there, almost all of it wonderful. And you know why John's got a kiddie bed -- because he's sleeping in Rodney's room!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it.