Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans - July 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom

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July 16th, 2008

Advertisement: Insane Avatar Fanfestval [Jul. 16th, 2008|10:27 pm]


Be it therefore resolved that, in order to celebrate the resolution of one of the best darn TV shows on television, and to promote the Avatar fandom on Insanejournal, I, Becca Stareyes, have commissioned the formation of the Insane Post-Series Avatar Fanfestival.

Seriously, I decided that we needed something to get people over here involved, and maybe bring some people over as dual-journal members at least, so I decided to put together something. As soon as the finale airs, I'll let people leave prompts for fanfiction and fanart. Then, two months from the start of Nickelodeon's Week O' Avatar, there will be posting of works. In between, there will be much writing and drawing and yay.

So, why don't you all head over to [info]avafest for a look? Prompting opens on July 20 (or on the 19th as soon as the episode finishes -- I should be up and about then).
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