Asylum Promotion
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John Adams Prep [userpic]
John Adams Prep - a preternatural high school game

On the surface, John Adams Preparatory School boasts an impressive and competitive academic program for the children of the 1%. What people don't know is that half, if not most of the students are preternatural. The school has more brewing beneath the surface than an old order of preternatural hunters alive and well among the student populace.

They brought across the pond hundreds of years ago. Something that's been asleep for a long time. That something is waking up and soon these teenagers will have more to worry about than who to vote for as Homecoming court.


John Adams Prep is a preternatural-themed roleplaying game set in an upscale private school in New York City. It blends concepts from the works of L. J. Smith, Kim Harrison, and others while utilizing premades to encourage a colorful variety of characters. This game is slash and femslash friendly and meant for players 18+.