October 15th, 2008

[info]shimyaku in [info]areyougame

Make a Wish, Final Fantasy VII (Aeris/Cloud)

Title: Make a wish
Author/Artist: shimyaku
Rating: R
Warnings: non-graphic het sex, gender-swapping
Word count: ~1100
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Aeris/Cloud: gender switch - being the strong one
Summary: Something is up with Cloud, and Aeris has an idea how to fix it...
A/N: My sincerest apologies for this being very very late. I'd already been offline for a few days out of no fault of my own, and now suddenly I've found myself in another country (guess where?) But I think I've got my bearings now I'm stationary for a few weeks. May I also mention that I wrote this on the plane over, and it's about the 5th rewrite. This prompt nearly got the better of me. XD

Something a little extra )

[info]white_jenna in [info]areyougame

Winter Ball, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Winter Ball
Author/Artist: white_jenna
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Word count: 670
Summary: Deck the halls....
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis: ShinRa's winter ball - We foot it all the night, weaving olden dances, mingling hands and mingling glances
A/N: My deepest apologies to anyone who would recognize a quadrille if they saw one.  Thanks to amarissia and key_of_ra at LJ for letting Amaya come over to play.  Prompt quote is from "The Stolen Child" by William Butler Yeats.  No, I don't know what's up with the font change.


[info]guiltyred in [info]areyougame

Burning Wicked, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Burning Wicked
Author: GuiltyRed
Warnings: masturbation
Word count: 604
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis: Erotic Fantasy – “Red wasn’t just his favorite color, it was a symbol of his sex.”
Summary: Sometimes a cool-down has the opposite effect.

[info]sphinxofthenile in [info]areyougame

Skies Realigned, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Skies Realigned
Author: collaboration work by [info]_ice_lady_ and [info]sphinxofthenile
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some angst.
Word count: ~1500
Summary: Snow, champagne and violins. And some feelings that need resolve. Angeal's POV.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis: ShinRa's winter ball - We foot it all the night, weaving olden dances, mingling hands and mingling glances
A/N: Ummm, yes, I know Seph was not in the prompt, but I figured adding one more gorgeous bishie never hurt anyone... Also, many thanks to my lovely partner in crime who helped me out with this.

November 2010



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