October 13th, 2008

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]areyougame

"Something To Prove", Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis

Sorry this is a tad early for those of y'all in the Western hemisphere! I've got a house guest this weekend, and won't be online much, so figured better earlier than later. ^^;;

Title: Something to Prove
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: underage m/m smut
Word count: 4,958
Summary: This was all his fault. None of it was his fault.
A/N: Yes, right, so, going to hell. Writing Angeal!smut is bad enough, but underage Angeal!smut, because Angeal is fourteen going on fifteen, is, yes, my place in hell is assured. This despite the fact that me and porn, we're not friends.

...Ah, well. Worse handbaskets to be in, I suppose. XD;;

And as an aside, I've always thought Genesis skirted the edge of batshit bonkers at least once before and pulled back, so much that maybe he and Angeal thought he was actually OK...but in reality he was on a slow burn, and by the time Crisis Core happened, he just couldn't come off that precipice in the way that didn't involve drugs and men in white coats who didn't work in a ShinRa lab or a deus ex machina.

Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: first time - "You've got a perfect skin, with a Devil's grin."

Something To Prove )

[info]jlsigman in [info]areyougame

Light's Shadow [Kingdom Hearts, Kairi/antiform!Sora ]

Title: Light's Shadow
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: G
Warnings: Game spoilers
Word count: 402
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts, Kairi/antiform!Sora: hands, simple touches - crooked and sharp and utterly fascinating
A/N: Late, I'm late, my bad... Take place during Kingdom Hearts II

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November 2010



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