InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Account Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Account Sale

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Edit: We decided to lower the price of the Permanently Insane accounts and Insane Userpics. The updated prices are reflected in the post below.

InsaneJournal would like to announce a week long Permanently Insane account sale starting immediately. The accounts will be on sale for $40 (less than the cost of just 2 years of paid time). You can get yours at Please note that we have decided to start accepting eChecks via PayPal again if that is your preferred payment method.

We are also putting Insane Userpics on sale for $120. That is 5,000 userpics for the lifetime of your account. (Note: you must already have a permanently insane account to be able to add Inasne Userpics to your account).

The reason we are doing this sale is to bolster our reserves to pay for some upcoming expenses on the site. So you can use this as a rare chance to get Permanently Insane status while helping the site.

If you already have paid time remaining on your account and you upgrade, simply open a support request and we will gladly transfer the remainder of your paid time to another account of your choosing. This can even be done anonymously if you want to use it as an anonymous gift.

Also please keep in mind that we are still working to stabilize the service here as well as add improvements for the future. Look behind the cut for a list of known issues that we are currently working on.

Bugs Not Yet Fixed:
* Comments disappearing.
* directory.bml hangs searching
* Edit userpics page loading slowly for users with lots of userpics (Firefox is still slow but won't timeout and give an error as a temporary workaround)
* Adding friends via the admin console causes custom groups to get emptied
* Joining a closed membership asylum gives an error
* Timezones on update page not reflecting change in DST in United Stats
* align= and border= options in image tags being striped by the HTML cleaner
* lynx sitescheme warning
* blank preview page
* Sometimes not able to change custom colors
  • I'm able to log in with a Blackberry....

    Oh well. I might look at gifting one. Mhm. Either that or getting more icons. I don't use icons though. Oh well.

    Thanks for all you do, though!!
  • Is there a chance that the insane userpics will be for sale as well? There's someone I want to gift them to.
  • I'm glad I already grabbed a few permies, but it's nice to give out the option again. I hope it goes well!
  • Another bug is not being able to post in IE8 anymore (it was working, but now it isn't.)
  • a couple of "glitches" ago, my friends page became wider than it should be. I give up, I can't find the customization setting to fix it. Can anybody help me out, please? Thanks in advance.
  • (Anonymous)
    i have two concerns, one is that emails are still not being sent to addresses, and i have contacted tmobile about it but they say they aren't blocking messages so i'm not really sure what's up there! also, will permanently insane accounts ever be cheaper? i'm just wondering since $75 seems a bit much even with the site costs haha and i think if you added more features for sale instead of overcharging for the ones you have that might be of more benefit :-[
  • And while I totally understand that it's lower priority than disappearing comments etc., perhaps someday you'll get around to this bug:

    Thanks for all your efforts [info]squeaky!
  • YAY! I just paid for some insane userpics XD Thanks for putting that up again, I've been waiting for it.

    Hope it'll help at least a little, I completely adore this site :D
  • Already permanent, so I'm just being pushy here:

    * Allow people to change out all the text that says "insane" or "asylum" as it triggers some of my friends and I don't want to do that to them.

    * Put page titles on the poat pages, it drives me nuts not to see a title there, and it's so 1995 to leave it off.

    * Fix whatever's keeping the message center / notification page from letting me mark messages as read, or delete them. Or remove the links:

    In general anything users can't do should not look enabled. It's too weird and frustrating.
  • tmobile sidekick users (aka a ton of ij users, namely rpers) havent been getting ij notifications sent to our sidekicks for about two weeks now. i get other emails on my sidekick just fine, also i get ij notifs sent to other email accounts just fine, but for some reason ij notifs arent being sent out to addresses. its annoying, can it be fixed?
  • Permanent accounts: my crack of choice.
  • just an fyi....for the last couple months or so Firefox DOES timeout on me and i haven't been able to upload userpics 9 times out of 10, so for some of us, it's not a temporary work around. And of those 1 out of 10 times i actually can upload, i usually get only 3 or 4 uploaded before it stops working on me.
  • Hi, Squeaky! I already have a permanent account, but I'd like to purchase another to have on hand for later. Would it be possible to buy one without having to create a new account right now?

    Also, the last time you had this sale you mentioned working on breaking down permanent user pics to smaller numbers. I'm still interested in that option.

    I have a trip planned for next week so I don't have $120 to spend, but I'd love to be able to purchase 1000 permanent user pics for this account. Would this be possible?

    Thanks for all you do! I've posted about this sale on my journal so I'm hoping some others will support your awesome site :)
  • Just wanted to say thank you. I don't normally comment, but I wanted to express how glad I am to have found IJ. Yes, the site's had a few issues lately (though, I've been lucky and haven't had but a few tiny glitches). But you know, what? I'd much rather use a great journaling site that occasionally has a few glitches, because I know they'll be addressed in good time, than continue to give my $$ to some other sites that shall remain nameless.

    Just bought my second permanent acct, so I'm definitely here for the long haul.
  • Hey, squeaky, is there any way to change a community back to a journal? Even if I use a rename token?
  • I've deleted an account and it says it will be deleted in 30 days. Some pages day it will be deleted in 14. Is this a bug, or just some of the pages (30d) it's showing me are outdated?

    Anyway, keep up the good work. The $40 permanent journals are a deal... :)
  • I'm not one to spend money on something like a journal. I did it once in 2002 on another server and I recently bought a rename token here because it was $5 and that wasn't a huge expense.

    Then you brought up this sale and I thought, well I role play and I enjoy this character I write (this is a journal name I only used once but I prefer it to the journal I was using), and then I realized all that you do. Yes, there are glitches occasionally, but I see you working as hard as you can to keep up and fix things for us (and we can all be really demanding, I've noticed). Also, a lot of my friends bought accounts and they were happy with the customization and all the icons, and I thought, well I spend enough time here so I might as well contribute.

    So, thank you for all that you do and thanks for listening to all of us whine, and thank you for lowering the price. I am very happy to have a permanent account now.
  • I bought one and so far I'm great. ♥
  • I've just been made aware of another bug (if that's what you can call it) that may need looking into ... new entries not appearing in asylums even though you get the message saying the journal was updated successfully and to click on such-and-such a link to view the entry. I experimented by posting two entries to one of my own asylums (about 15 - 20 minutes ago) and they still haven't appeared.

    (If I had the cash to spare, I'd be tempted to upgrade my alternate account to permanently insane.)
  • I was just wondering if it might be possible to add something like email notifications when you get a PM, I'm suggesting it because when I log in on my SK I don't get the pop up saying that I have a new PM and it make a few weeks or so until I actually see that I have a new one.
  • i figured i'd post this if you want to put it up somewhere for blackberry users. if people using blackberries are having problems logging into ij with the default blackberry browser, then i highly recommend they download opera for the blackberry. i was having that issue of not being able to log in, then a friend suggested i download opera and now ij works perfectly on my blackberry. i would recommend all blackberry users use opera as their browser on the blackberry to begin with because it works a lot better than the default browser and webpages actually look the way they're supposed to look when you use opera.
  • Is there a reason you can't offer the opportunity for people to pay for two months at the time rather than every six months or a year? You're working hard on the site, and it's very appreciated, but given the amount of open bugs some people may be more inclined to offer financial assistance in two month increments rather than six months. Not to mention a lot of your users are struggling college students who can pay the smaller amount more frequently than the larger amount less so.
  • I've been trying to change my custom css, but it won't save any changes, and my custom layers all load blank in the editor. :\
  • how long will the sale go on? will at be until next week?
  • I don't know if it's an error, but Rich Text and preview has disappeared.
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