Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Monday, December 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Megan Jones, Ginny Weasley, Heidi Macavoy and Tracey Davis
    What: It continues to be a rough year for Tracey…
    When: January 11th, Wednesday 1997. 6:45pm
    Where: Hufflepuff Girl’s dorms then near the Quidditch pitch.
    Rating: pg-13, for now.

    Tracey came running through the halls in search of somewhere to hide. Her hands covered her nose and she choked on the disgusting fluid clogging her nose. It had run out and covered the front of her sweater and robes. Small bats of the disgusting fluid chased her down the halls.

    Her state caused quite a few to point and laugh. Though none laughed harder than the Slytherins that saw her. She couldn’t go back to her house. Luckily, Megan was near Hufflepuff when she got close and she let her in so she could run up to Heidi’s room.

    She hadn’t seen her girlfriend and she didn’t know whether to hope she was in her room or not when she got there. Flinging open the door, Tracey ran in and made her way to Heidi’s bed.

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