Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Sunday, September 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Fleur Delacour and Lavender Brown
    What: Fleur never did really get Lavender back for sneaking under her desk...
    When: March 22, 9:00.
    Where: Fleur's chambers
    Rating: NC-17

    It had taken Fleur a few days, but she had finally thought up a proper "revenge" on Lavender for her sneaking under her desk and teasing her, a spanking just wasn't satisfactory in her book.

    Plus, Gabrielle was now gone and she missed her sister, but knew that what she had with Lavender was different, but equally as good as what she had with her sister and now that Gabrielle was back in France, she was hoping to make up for lost time that was taken when Gabrielle chose to occupy it.

    Fleur had caught Lavender after her class had ended and told her to come to her room after dinner and when all the other old professors had gone to bed. Now, Fleur sat waiting for her lover, a short, silk robe, she was very fond of silk robes, was draped over a white, she thought it was an ironic color for the nights activities, chemise with black lace trimming the edges. The French woman sat comfortably on her couch with her familiar glass of wine and knew that Lavender would be there soon.

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