January 16th, 2009

[info]lionessofsong in [info]agos

Who: Toria and Elia
When: Day 71, early afternoon
Where: Streets of King's Landing
Rating: PG? Unless something scary happens in the streets.
Status: Ongoing (ask Lex or Afton if you'd like to join in)

Letters had been exchanged back and forth as Toria planned a charitable visit out into King's Landing with Elia. Of course, there would be men at arms around to protect both ladies from any potential harm that might come to them, but Toria hoped the gesture would help placate the people. They were growing more hostile by the day, and she could only imagine what might have happened to her brother if House Lannister had not gained a reputation for being charitable of late.

Then there was the disappearance of her little cousins, her young aunt's death, and wanting to secure good relations with House Martell at hand. She genuinely liked Elia, so it was more than simply paying attention to politics. She didn't want to be forced into a clash with someone she regarded as a friend.

There were men out looking for Gwyn and Genna already, but a few well-placed inquiries couldn't hurt. After all, there were things people might say to a young lady with coin that they wouldn't share with a member of the Kingsguard. The men at arms were to keep enough of a distance that they wouldn't intimidate the smallfolk, but to stay close enough that they could be there in an instant if anyone became troublesome.

"Is there anywhere you'd like to visit in the city while we're here?" Toria asked her friend. "It is a bit dull stuck inside the Keep."