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December 21st, 2013

[info]emynn in [info]adventdrabbles

Fic: First Christmas

Title: First Christmas
Author: [info]emynn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Severus/Harry, James Sirius Potter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 930
Summary: For a disaster of a Christmas, it really turns out rather well.
Warnings: Some foul language
Disclaimer: Even though I asked Santa very nicely to make HP all mine, he says they still belong to JKR. Sigh.
A/N: Not beta read. Written for [info]adventdrabbles's Prompt 19: Christmas dinner disaster. This follows First Christmas Eve and will likely make a bit more sense if you read that first.

First Christmas

[info]torino10154 in [info]adventdrabbles


Here's the summary of entries we got for day 20 of the 2013 edition of [info]adventdrabbles. Do check them out and then give the authors and artists some love. ♥

Harry Potter:
Mmmm... Delicious! Severus/Remus by [info]shadowycat
Sled Ride Harry/Draco by [info]enchanted_jae
In Broad Daylight. Severus/Harry by [info]pekeleke
Happily Ever After. Severus/Harry by [info]pekeleke
First Christmas Severus/Harry, James Sirius by [info]emynn

Disintegrate Dean/Castiel, Sam by [info]firefly124

Let us know if there are any omissions or errors. Thanks!

[info]0idontknow0 in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec18, Harry Potter, Blaise/Harry, You've Got A Little Something There

Title: You've Got A Little Something There
Pairing: Blaise/Harry
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters belong to J.K. Rowling et al. No offence is meant by these drawings. They're just for fun and no profit is being made from these.
Prompt: [info]adventdrabbles' #18 Christmas Bundt Cake.

[info]firefly124 in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 20, Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Keep Me Satisfied

Title: Keep Me Satisfied
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel
Rating/Warnings: All ages
Disclaimer: here
Prompt: this picture
Summary: In which Castiel learns some new human slang.
A/N: Title is from this Billy Squier song.

Keep Me Satisfied )

[info]shadowycat in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 21, Harry Potter, Severus/Remus, Fangs of Ice

Title: Fangs of Ice
Author: [info]shadowycat
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Word Count: 112 words
Prompt: 21: Icicles
Rating: G
Warning: unbeta'd

Fangs of Ice )

[info]emynn in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 21, Harry Potter, Severus/Harry, A Quiet Christmas

Title: A Quiet Christmas
Author: [info]emynn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,465
Summary: Still stuck at St Mungo's more than six months after the death of the Dark Lord, Severus receives a not so unwelcome visitor.
Warnings: Slight angst, long-term injuries
Disclaimer: Even though I asked Santa very nicely to make HP all mine, he says they still belong to JKR. Sigh.
A/N: Not beta read. Written for [info]adventdrabbles's Prompt 20: Christmas fudge.

A Quiet Christmas

[info]enchanted_jae in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 21, Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, Moonlit Broom Ride

Title: Moonlit Broom Ride
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 165
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
Jae's Advent Drabbles #21 for [info]neptuneschild1 - icicles
[info]adventdrabbles #21 - icicles
[info]slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry #21 - icicles
Summary: Harry suggests a moonlit broom ride, and Draco wants to make it more exciting.

Moonlit Broom Ride

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Prompt 22, 2013

Thanks so much to my bb [info]emynn for posting last night while my internet was down! ♥

And in fact, prompt 22 is from [info]emynn and [info]enchanted_jae. Thank you, dears!


Or click here if the link doesn't work )


And it's not too late! If you've an idea that you think would make a fun prompt, tell me about it HERE.