Dec. 11th, 2012


Characters: Gwen Montgomery, Terence Higgs
Setting: Durmstrang ship deck, during Olivia's birthday party, December 11th.
Summary: Gwen has had a bad day. And too much to drink. This makes her unusually chatty.
Status: InComplete

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Nov. 30th, 2012


Characters: Gwen Montgomery, Terence Higgs
Setting: Outside the Charms classroom, after class, Friday, about 11am.
Summary: Random run-in.
Status: Complete

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Nov. 29th, 2012


Characters: Cassius Warrington and Terence Higgs
Setting: Slytherin Common Room, evening of the 28th
Summary: Sometimes Slytherin boys are capable of holding a proper conversation.
Status: Incomplete


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Oct. 31st, 2012


To My Dearest Parents

Characters: Terence, to his parents
Setting: Owl Post
Summary: A seasonal letter to one's parents.
Status: Complete

Dear Mother and Father,

I hope this finds you rich well and you're not too busy to read it, as there are some important things I want to say.

You may have heard about the Triwizard Tournament. You'll also be glad to hear that I'm not entering, thanks to my tender age, and also because I really don't fancy being in mortal peril. The prize money is not handsome enough to tempt me, you could say.

There's also going to be a Yule Ball. Please direct funds into our account if you don't want us to look like we just crawled out of the hedges.

May the benefit of the doubt always fall on your side,

Terence (and Amelia)

PS: Amelia unhappy about dress.

Oct. 29th, 2012


Characters: Amelia and Terence
Setting: Slytherin Common Room
Rating: S for Snobbery.
Summary: Terence has some grievances to air, but doesn't he always?
Status: Complete

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