Oct. 31st, 2012


Characters: Anyone who decides to brave the Dungeon!
Setting: Slytherin Common Room, after dinner on Halloween.
Summary: Halloween party!! Dancing, treats, etc...
Status: IC/OOC reactions. TELL US WHAT YOU WORE!

ghosts, and ghouls, and goblins, and... )

Oct. 29th, 2012


Characters: Amelia and Terence
Setting: Slytherin Common Room
Rating: S for Snobbery.
Summary: Terence has some grievances to air, but doesn't he always?
Status: Complete

Read more... )

Sep. 10th, 2012


Characters: Amelia & Cassius
Setting: Hogwarts corridors, Monday night, September 10th
Summary: Amelia can't sleep and she needs to get out
Status: In progress.

Trying to sleep was utterly futile. )