Incidents and Episodes
50 Episodes Fiction Challenge

User: [info]starkindler
Date: 2007-08-19 13:06
Subject: Eric Delko: Across the Universe- 15: First glance
Security: Public
Tags:csi miami, starkindler:eric delko

Title: Across the Universe – First Glance
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Genre: Slash, Vampire Fic, Scene
Universe: ATU
Pairing: Speed/Horatio; Eric/Ryan future
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine. Well, the aliens and vampy stuff are, but the characters aren't. Those belong to Bruckheimer and the Miami people.
Reviews: Like the cherry on my sundae, lovely and yummy, but not required. All reviews welcome.
Betas: Joe and Dru
Summary: Eric gets a first look at who Ryan really is.
Prompt #15 First Glance
Author's Note: This is for my 50episodes challenge for Eric Delko.

Scene here )

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Incidents and Episodes
May 2010