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March 2008
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Harry Potter Fandom

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Harry Potter Fandom
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]neville100 Neville Longbottom Thursday Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]snape100 Severus Snape Sunday? Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]snarry100 Snape/Harry Thursday Must be 18. Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, or draw 10–20 minutes on the prompt of the week.

[Total | 3]

Non-Harry Potter Fandoms

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Non-Harry Potter Fandoms
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]boosh100 The Mighty Boosh Sunday Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]fuda_100 Yami no Matsuei Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]ffvii_100 Final Fantasy VII Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]gundam_100 Gundam Wing Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]rpsfanfic RPF Sunday
Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]saiyuki_100 Saiyuki Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.
[info]spn_100 Supernatural Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]tv_100 TV Monday Write 100–250 words on the prompt of the week.
[info]weisskreuz100 Weiss Kreuz Monday Write 100 words on the prompt of the week, earning points for your team.

[Total | 9]

All Fandoms

*NOTE* Some are more lenient than others as far as word counts go. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

All Fandoms
Community Fandom Issue Day Description
[info]15_minute_fic All Monday Write for 15 minutes on the prompt of the week.
[info]daily_prompt All/Multi Daily Be inspired by prompt of the day (e.g. write, draw, manip, rec, etc.).
[info]drabble_a_trois All Monday? Write about a threesome on the prompt of the week.
[info]falsepercept All ??? Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]prompt_100 All Monday Write 100–250 words on the prompt of the week.
All ??? Write on the prompt of the week.
[info]voicesinmyhead All Monday Write on the prompt of the week with the character you claimed.
[info]writing_prompts All Daily Write on the prompt of the day.

[Total | 8]

OC Allowed

Important: There are various interpretations of OC. Sometimes OCs are only allowed if it's your own original universe but OCs in an established fandom are not. Other times it's the other way around, and then occasionally both are allowed. Check all the rules.
*NOTE* Most allow art as well. "Claim couples" does not necessarily mean the couples must be romantic, and sometimes threesomes and moresomes are allowed. Some communities merely ask for one genre (i.e. smut) but do not require it. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

OC Allowed
Community Themes Sets Fandom Description
[info]12daysof 12 16 All/Multi Write from 12 holiday themes on 16 sets, relevant to the holiday/season of the set claimed.
[info]30_darkfics 30 1 All/Multi Must be at least 18. Write dark works from 30 themes.
[info]30for3 30 2 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes on 2 sets. Claim threesomes or moresomes.
[info]30_kisses 30 2 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes on 2 sets with a kiss in each work. Claim couples.
[info]30_somethings 30 11 All Write from 30 themes on 11 sets.
[info]50drabbles 50 15 All/Multi Write drabbles from 50 themes on 15 sets.
[info]50episodes 50 17 All/Multi Write scenes from 50 themes on 17 sets.
[info]50originals 50 10 Original Write original works from 50 themes on 10 sets. No claims.
[info]au50 50 3 Multi Write AUs from 50 themes on 3 sets.
[info]daysoftheweek 7 1 All/Multi Write from 7 out of 21 themes, mentioning the day of the week in each work.
[info]fanfic50 50 4 All Write from 50 themes on 4 sets.
[info]fanfic100 100 1 All Write from 100 themes.
[info]mix_n_make* -- -- All Write/Draw from a playlist of your making.
[info]one_liners 25/50/100 5/5/2 All/Multi Write one sentence from 25, 50, or 100 themes on 5, 5, or 2 sets, respectively.
[info]story_arc 5/10/15
All/Multi Write/Draw an arc or multi-chaptered works from 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 themes on 5, 4, 3, 2, and 2 sets, respectively.
*Not exactly themed communities, just claiming or a choose-your-own themes.

[Total | 15]

RPF Allowed

*NOTE* Most allow art as well. "Claim couples" does not necessarily mean the couples must be romantic, and sometimes threesomes and moresomes are allowed. Some communities merely ask for one genre (i.e. smut) but do not require it. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

RPF Allowed
Community Themes Sets Fandom Description
[info]1sentence 50 4 All/Multi Write a sentence on each of the 50 themes on 4 sets. Claim couples.
[info]12daysof 12 16 All/Multi Write from 12 holiday themes on 16 sets, relevant to the holiday/season of the set claimed.
[info]25prompts 25 10 All/Multi Write from 25 themes on 10 sets, some having specific rules.
[info]50alternates 50 2 Multi Write historical or fantasy AUs from 50 themes on 2 sets.
[info]50episodes 50 17 All/Multi Write scenes from 50 themes on 17 sets.
[info]50harlequins 50 1 All/Multi Write romance clichés from 50 themes.
[info]drabble123 20 8 All/Multi Write 100, 200, or 300 words from 20 themes on 8 sets.
[info]fanfic100 100 1 All Write from 100 themes.
[info]one_liners 25/50/100 5/5/2 All/Multi Write one sentence from 25, 50, or 100 themes on 5, 5, or 2 sets, respectively.

[Total | 9]

Specific Fandoms

*NOTE* Most allow art as well. "Claim couples" does not necessarily mean the couples must be romantic, and sometimes threesomes and moresomes are allowed. Some communities merely ask for one genre (i.e. smut) but do not require it. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

Specific Fandoms
Community Themes Sets Fandom Description
[info]50originals 50 10 Original Write original works from 50 themes on 10 sets. No claims.
[info]100quills 50/100 8 Harry Potter Write HP works from 50 or 100 themes on 4 sets each.
[info]finalfantasy100 100 1 Final Fantasy Write FF works from 100 themes.

[Total | 3]

All Fandoms

*NOTE* Most allow art as well. "Claim couples" does not necessarily mean the couples must be romantic, and sometimes threesomes and moresomes are allowed. Some communities merely ask for one genre (i.e. smut) but do not require it. Always check the comm info to be sure.

Database Directory⇒⇐Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐Report a problem/Add a comm

All Fandoms
Community Themes Sets Fandom Description
[info]1sentence 50 4 All/Multi Write a sentence on each of the 50 themes on 4 sets. Claim couples.
[info]12daysof 12 16 All/Multi Write from 12 holiday themes on 16 sets, relevant to the holiday/season of the set claimed.
[info]25moments 25 1 All/Multi Write from 25 themes. No claims.
[info]25prompts 25 10 All/Multi Write from 25 themes on 10 sets, some having specific rules.
[info]30_darkfics 30 1 All/Multi Must be at least 18. Write dark works from 30 themes.
[info]30for3 30 2 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes on 2 sets. Claim threesomes or moresomes.
[info]30_kisses 30 2 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes on 2 sets with a kiss in each work. Claim couples.
[info]30_somethings 30 11 All Write from 30 themes on 11 sets.
[info]30straightdays* 30 -- All Write through 30 days of a character's life. Claim characters.
[info]50alternates 50 2 Multi Write historical or fantasy AUs from 50 themes on 2 sets.
[info]50drabbles 50 15 All/Multi Write drabbles from 50 themes on 15 sets.
[info]50episodes 50 17 All/Multi Write scenes from 50 themes on 17 sets.
[info]50harlequins 50 1 All/Multi Write romance clichés from 50 themes.
[info]au50 50 3 Multi Write AUs from 50 themes on 3 sets.
[info]daysoftheweek 7 1 All/Multi Write from 7 out of 21 themes, mentioning the day of the week in each work.
[info]drabble123 20 8 All/Multi Write 100, 200, or 300 words from 20 themes on 8 sets.
[info]everyfiveyears* -- -- All Write a fic for every five years of a character's life. Claim characters.
[info]fanfic50 50 4 All Write from 50 themes on 4 sets.
[info]fanfic100 100 1 All Write from 100 themes.
[info]femslash25 25 3 All – Femslash Write femslash from 25 themes on 3 sets.
[info]mix_n_make* -- -- All Write/Draw from a playlist of your making.
[info]one_liners 25/50/100 5/5/2 All/Multi Write one sentence from 25, 50, or 100 themes on 5, 5, or 2 sets, respectively.
[info]story_arc 5/10/15
All/Multi Write/Draw an arc or multi-chaptered works from 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 themes on 5, 4, 3, 2, and 2 sets, respectively.
*Not exactly themed communities, just claiming or a choose-your-own themes.

[Total | 23]

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