Dec. 16th, 2012


Title: landfall
Author: [info]shiegra
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (CW)
Rating: teen
Characters: Elijah, Elena
Pairing(s): creepy pre-ship
Contains: very little to warn for. menace and attempted violence.
Prompt(s): [info]au50, 23. Deceive
Notes: Set in a vague s2 AU where Damon didn't reach them at the lakehouse before Elijah.
Summary: Her first thought was 'werewolves.'

( Read here )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Title: Never Had a Better Idea
Theme/Prompt: 46. Writer's Choice
Fandom: Drive Angry
Rating: pg13
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Piper/The Accountant
Summary: Very AU. In the midst of a rebellion, Piper steals into the temple.
Warnings: violence.

( read here )


Title: Dress in Your Sunday Best
Theme/Prompt: 05. Apology
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (tv)
Rating: pg13
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Elena Gilbert, Elijah
Summary: One-shot. Elena pulls the dagger out (again). I'm not sure how well this fits as an AU - it went a bit off the rails from my original intentions - but hopefully it will suffice.
Warnings: None.

( read here )

Feb. 1st, 2009


Title: Distortion
Fandom: Angelique
Character/Pairing[s]: Clavis/Julious, mentions of others.
Theme/Prompt: #5 ‘Sense’for [info]au50 [table]
Rating: PG-15 for safety’s sake.
Warnings: Some male/male situations, mild horror of the supernatural persuasion, violence and language.
Summary: Part of the Deadwalk AU and immediately follows on from ‘Echo’. There’s something in the air.

everything's changing faster than it ought

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Angelique AU50 - Echo

Title: Echo

Fandom [for disclaimer, see profile]: Angelique

Pairing: Clavis/Julious (mentions of others)

Theme/Prompt: #25 ‘Perception’ - .:Prompt Table:.

Rating: PG-15 for safety’s sake.

Warnings: Some male/male situations, mild horror of the supernatural persuasion, violence and language.

Summary: Part of the Deadwalk AU and follows ‘Apparitions’. Clavis goes to the observatory to see Sara and Pastha whilst Julious goes to see how Oscar’s doing.
Notes: I really enjoyed writing this once I got a damn move on. Especially Pastha. OOC abounds but it’s AU, so help me.


Feb. 19th, 2008


Title: Deadwalk

Fandom: Angelique

Pairing: Clavis/Julious

Theme/Prompt: #34 ‘Concrete’ .:Prompt Table:.

Rating: PG-15 for safety’s sake.

Warnings: None

Summary: AU. There’s something serious going down this end of the city and Clavis’ premonitions of d00m are getting stronger and more frequent, so he goes to an old friend for help in interpreting the dreams. He’s not going to like what he finds but luckily he’s got people he can trust backing him all the way, however mismatched they seem.

(you'll only find the biggest monsters this end of the city)

Feb. 16th, 2008


Angelique [Clavic/Julious] - Apparitions

Title: Apparitions

Fandom [for disclaimer, see profile]: Angelique

Pairing: Clavis/Julious (mentions of Oscar/Lumiale, Pastha/Sara)

Theme/Prompt: #08 ‘Sight’ - .:Prompt Table:.

Rating: PG-15 for safety’s sake.

Warnings: Some male/male situations.

Summary: AU. There’s something serious going down this end of the city and Clavis’ premonitions of d00m are getting stronger and more frequent, so he goes to an old friend for help in interpreting the dreams. He’s not going to like what he finds but luckily he’s got people he can trust backing him all the way, however mismatched they seem.

(He tugged on the dark-haired man’s earring and smiled slightly as Clavis’ eyes focused on him, brought out of his reverie.)

Jan. 12th, 2008



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