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Thursday, February 26th, 2009
11:16a - Thread: Lex, Grier & Dr. Oswald
Who: Lex Saywer, Irish Grier, Dr. Oswald.
When: February 26. Afternoon.
Where: Base; Grier's room.
What: Lex finds that Benito has been Grier for a while. Calls in the shrink!

He let himself into the room )

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1:00p - Thread: Gunner & Dr. Bishop
Who: Gunner Crawley and Dr. Bishop.
When: February 26. Suppertime.
Where: Base; Medlab - where else?
What: Gunner had practiced his cooking skills to some limited success.

Cooking with Gunner )

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Who: Daniel & Bristol
Where: the non-sucky Chinese place!
When: Thursday evening
What: it's not a date!

Mmmm, MSG is good )

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9:35p - Thread: Jadyn and Alex
Who: Jadyn Shaw and Alex Taylor
When: Thurs 2/26, 3:45 PM
Where: Zener computer lab, then Abilities Classroom
What: Jadyn sets Alex up on the network, then Alex goes to his first Illusions Class.

He never had liked school much. )

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10:09p - Thread: Rye and Minnie
Who: Rye Redwood and Minnie ter Haar
When: Thurs 2/26, 8 PM
Where: Minnie's room
What: Rye attempts to cheer Minnie up after her dog at home died.

Sing and dance?? No way. )

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