The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, February 9th, 2009
Who: Connor and Vito and Felix
When: Afternoonish
Were: Investigation offices.
What: Felix's interview round two?

Oh gosh... )

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11:51a - Thread: Nadya & Open
Who: Nadya Meade & Open
When: Feb. 9th, Morning
Where: Reboot, North Conway
What: Surfing the internet, etc.

The story's undone, Unravel at the seams )

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12:00p - Thread: Molly & RJ
Who: Molly Flanagan and RJ Jameson.
When: February 9. Afternoon. After classes.
Where: School; RJ's room.
What: Molly goes to see RJ. And to pick up Mouse, who RJ's been babysitting.

She knocked on the door and waited )

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Who: Jeremy McKay and Kristin
When: Monday, Sometime Between 2 and 4
Where: The Rec Room
What: Jer needs Kristin to heal up his arm.

The arm bone's connected to the, knee bone... )

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12:45p - Thread: Cain & Kim
Who: Cain Barrow & Kim Malone
When: Feb. 9th, Noon-ish
Where: Stargate, Shooting Range
What: Children, don't play with guns. Or tasers.

Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way. )

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Who: Kian and Myles
When: Monday Evening
Where: Stargate: Kian's Office
What: A want ad for a personal assistant is answered.

Just your Average Job Interview )

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6:08p - Thread: Kasey & Ferdinand get a flat and then grope each other
Who: Kasey Duquesne & Ferdinand Archer
When: February 9th, Evening
Where: Driving > Archer Residence
What: It's raining and they get a flat tire. Rain means change.

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6:22p - Thread: Zener Grease auditions!
Who: Any students auditioning for Grease!
When: February 9. After supper.
Where: School; Gym.
What: Auditions! Everyone has a monologue and a song!
Notes: This won't exactly be a typical interactive thread. Everyone with a student auditioning feel free to make a comment post detailing their audition. :D People feel free to comment on other peoples auditions once they 'come off stage', but it's not necessary/required. Ms. Dixon and Mr. Wright are watching to choose casting!

The gym was all set up for auditions )

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9:11p - Thread: Nicholas & Walter
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: February 9. Evening.
Where: School; Walter's Room.
What: Talking about the March Break trip to Quebec.

March break planning )

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