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Sunday, February 8th, 2009
12:43a - Thread: Kiku&Charlie
Who: Charlie and Kiku
When: Saturday Feb 7th. Afternoon
Where: Charlie’s room
What: Kiku brings leftovers and general couple hanging out
I have food! )

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Who: Issak and Coin
When: Early evening.
Where: Kitchen
What: Issak and Coin are cooking.

Spicy...spice? )

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12:42p - Thread: Maddox & Roxy
Who: Maddox Ripley and Roxy Smith.
When: February 8. Lunchtime.
Where: School. Kitchen.
What: Food consumption. Talky talking. Stuff.

Hey Red, watcha making? )

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Who: Brendan Colcord & OPEN (Or narative if no one responds)
When: Sunday, Around Lunchtime
Where: Outside the Cafeteria
What: Brendan has some thinking to do, and is trying to be normal. Care to join him?

Well, So far so Good )

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Who: Isaiah Deaver and Griffith Lloyd
When: Later afternoon
Where: Library.
What: Sometimes, Isaiah just can't resist being a bully.

The kid had a blank look. )

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7:09p - Thread: Rezner & Beck
Who: Rezner Hawk and Beck Harper.
When: February 8. Evening.
Where: Base; Beck's room.
What: Rezner has decided to go through Beck's room.

Rezner had come to the conclusion that if Beck wouldn't show him her panties, he'd see them for himself )

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11:19p - Thread: Cree & Mateo
Who: Cree Slavin and Mateo Holt.
When: February 8. Evening.
Where: Base. Library-esque room.
What: Cree goes looking for something to read. He meets Mateo. Mateo is not nice.

Lots of books )

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11:55p - Log: Raven and Jayne
Who: Raven and Jayne
When: Backdated to Jan 29
Where: Zener Laundry room
What: Idle chit chat while waiting for clothes to wash and dry.

A chance meeting. )

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