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Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
Who: Freddy & Nadya
When: January 20, 9:30a
Where: Gitters Coffeehouse
What: Freddy goes back to an old haunt, listens to inauguration coverage

Big day. Huge day. )

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Who ? Walter and Open
Where ? Rec Room
When ? 11-ish
What ? Watching the Inauguration

Give it up, give it up now )

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11:43a - Thread: Jensen & Vaughan
Who: Jensen Rhodes and Vaughan.
When: January 20. Late morning.
Where: School; Kitchen.
What: Food for thought. Or just food.

He started going through containers to see what he could find )

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4:49p - Thread: Hunter & Open
Who: Hunter Kincaid and Open.
When: January 20. Afternoon.
Where: Town; Grocery store.
What: Grocery shopping.

Apples or oranges? )

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Who: Jadyn and Isaiah
When: Monday night.
Where: Jadyn's room
What: Bantering, talking, cuddling, match-making. Fade to black.

Ain't going away. )

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Who: Sean and Noel
Where: Rec room. Late at night.
When: Backdated to Saturday night
What: Noel comforts Sean after his run in with Isaiah. They talk about summer becuase it's more fun then talking about exams. And make out.

Isn't that where they made Lord of the Rings? )

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7:35p - Log: Baja and Nicholas
Who: Baja and Nicholas
When: January 20th, Afternoon
Where: Baja's Room
What: Healing!

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8:26p - left for pepper

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Who: Jeremy and Griffith (And a cameo by Isaiah at the end.)
When: Lunch time.
Where: Zener cafeteria
What: Griffith bumps into Jeremy and experiences Deja Vu..but he just doesn't know it yet.

At least buy me breakfast before you ram into me. )

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9:45p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ashley and Ryder Falkland.
When: January 20. Evening.
Where: School; their dorm room.
What: Studying. Or attempting to. Or pretending to.

He wondered if he could draw the answers to all the questions on the exam )

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10:04p - Thread: Arthur and Raven (Griffith and open)
Who: Arthur Lloyd and Raven Whitehorse (Others invited, especially Griffith!)
When: Jan 20; 1:30 PM
Where: Rec Room
What: Rubbing it in that they don't have exams; Wii playing.

Today, though, was all planned out! )

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10:58p - Thread: Baja and Gabe
Who: Baja and Gabe (Again! XD)
When: January 20th, Evening/After dinner
Where: Rooms > Kitchen> Wherever!
What: Food. General cuteness as per usual!

Feed me! )

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