The Zener School for the Mind

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Sunday, January 18th, 2009
Who: Nando & Evan
When: January 17, morning
Where: Stargate, Rec Room
What: Videogames!

Nando settled on one that looked more fun than ghoulish or grisly. )

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Who: Jarrod & Eddie!
When: January 17, morningish
Where: Stargate, kitchen
What: There's no coffee!

The coffee pot was empty! )

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Who: Molly and Clair.
Where: Zener cafeteria.
When: Lunch. 12 pm
What: Clair has a question.

So hi, how are you? )

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1:41p - Thread: Jadyn & Maverick
Who: Maverick Locke and Jadyn Shaw.
When: January 19. Early afternoon.
Where: Outside; school grounds.
What: Looking at their wall. Which doesn't exist yet. Talking security stuff. Talking life stuff. Jokes.

It's going to look good, I think - and I'm not talking about the construction workers )

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9:14p - Thread: Ronald & Pepper
Who: Pepper Mason and Ronald Walsh.
When: January 19. Evening.
Where: School; Rec Room.
What: Pepper goes to the Rec Room to study, finds Ronald and tried to figure out what's wrong with the poor darling.

What are you drawing? )

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9:35p - Thread: Keegan & Mateo
Who: Keegan and Mateo Holt.
When: January 19. Evening.
Where: Base; Mateo's room.
What: Delivery. Brotherly bickering.

Delivery )

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Who: Ronald Welsh.
Where: Zener hallway. Outside Yes and Riston's room
What: Belated birthday present.
When: Early morning.

There was a pigeon on his head )

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