The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, January 17th, 2009
Who: Daniel & Maegan at first, then Clark
Where: North Conway, then outside Zener, then Clark's room
When: sort of late Friday night
What: Daniel's had some bad news and is not coping.

They were verging on Sweet Valley High )

current mood: drunk

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2:34p - Log: Baja/Brea/Gabe
Who: Baja, Brea, and Gabe (With an appearance by three very pushy girls)
When: January 17th, Afternoon (3:30pm in NH, 12:30pm in CA)
Where: Zener/Hospital in CA
What: Accident. Phone calls. Rash Action.
Warning: Very long. Sappy. And long. Did I mention that??

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Who ? Dameon and Eddie
Where ? Outside Project Stargate
When ? Saturday afternoon
What ? Playing in the snow

That I know That I am I am, I am The luckiest )

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8:10p - Log: Gav & Hannon
Who: Gav Reyes and Hannon Raleigh.
When: January 18. Afternoon.
Where: In town, Health clinic.
What: Gav goes for his bi-weekly Rehab meetings. And meets the new nurse on duty, Hannon. They talk of drug addiction, rehab and Gav tries to avoid the topic of being psychic.

You may be surprised to learn that isn't the first time someone has told me that )

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8:25p - Thread: Gunner & Dr. Bishop
Who: Gunner Crawley and Dr. Bishop.
When: January 18. Evening.
Where: Base. Medlab.
What: Medlab work. Gunner has brought snacks.

The only problem with that was that Gunner didn't exactly know how to cook )

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9:07p - Thread: Baja and Gabe
Who: Baja and Gabe (Maybe appearances by Brea and others)
When: Late Sat night/Early Sunday morning (CA time)
Where: Hospital
What: Waking up. Cuteness. You know.

Owie )

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9:41p - Thread: Ferdinand & Kasey
Who: Ferdinand Archer & Kasey Duquesne
When: Jan. 17th, Evening
Where: North Conway, McDonald's
What: Eating, hanging out, playing in the ball pit probably.

Double Cheeseburgers & McDoubles )

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Who: Daniel and Jadyn
Where: computer lab and then...??
When: Saturday afternoon
What: Daniel's wandering around the school aimlessly.

The insides of his eyeballs hurt. )

current mood: discontent

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