The Zener School for the Mind

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Friday, November 28th, 2008
Who: Noel Washington and SeanPaul Harper
Where: The Washington residence somewhere in...Washington. Since Noel went home for Thanksgiving and took Sean with him.
When: After Thanksgiving dinner.
What: Noel and Sean talk and relax and cuddle.

Success. )

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Who: Jadyn & Daniel
Where: computer lab
When: Friday afternoonish
What: Daniel goes looking for his old friend, partially to catch up and partially because he feels guilty over being sent to observe & report on the school.
Complete: yes

It was easy then to tell the truth from the lies, easy when to know to compromise, but now it's only shades of grey... )

current mood: contemplative

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4:00p - Thread: Eddie & Dameon
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: November 28. All day!
Where: A mall a few hours away from North Conway.
What: Black Friday shopping.

Dameon could honestly say he had never been to a mall so early )

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Who ? O and Open
Where ? The mall
When ? Black Friday Morning
What ? Shopping mania?

O didn't know the first thing about devices like those, if it was a good deal or not, or even what had come over him. )

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Who ? Finn and Open
When ? Friday afternoon
What ? Finn comes back from a mission!
Where ? Kitchen!

That was why he wasn't surprised, only annoyed, when he found his Suburban stuck in traffic with stressed out soccer moms and cheap, bitter old ladies. )

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Who ? Doctor Bishop, Gunner, Seth
Where ? Doctor Bishop's Lab
When ? Backdated to Sunday
What ? Crazy crazy experimentations!

Doctor Bishop, with the seven collars Jonathan had made for him, had put on quite the demonstration in the basement. )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop, Gunner, Kim, Kim's Dog, Bruce, and maybe Ronald
Where ? Dr. Bishop's lab
When ? Backdated to Monday
What ? Crazy experimentations II

Somehow, Gunner had managed to endear himself to the Doctor and it was as annoying as it was comforting. )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop, Ashley and Ryder Falkland, Gunner
Where ? Doctor's Lab
When ? Friday
What ? Crazy experimentations III

He was positive that by now they would be tripping over each other to do what he asked of them, to make him happy, to make their lives just a little bit easier. )

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Who: Daniel & Clark
Where: Rec room
What: Daniel is looking for Mario Brothers or an Atari, he meets Clark instead
When: Friday late afternoon

I'm old skool, yo )

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