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Thursday, November 27th, 2008
Who ? Killian and Open if someone wants to join
When ? This log happens between the hours of 1 and 2 am
Where ? Killian's room
When ? Killian wants out

Surely not the best colors that you've shined )

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11:26a - Thread: Stargate in the Kitchen (no Dinah)
Who: Beck, Rezner, Coin and anyone else who happens in to the kitchen while food is being made!
When: November 27. Afternoon.
Where: Base; Kitchen.
What: Beck and Coin are cooking the turkey dinner. Rezner has somehow been coerced into helping.

Can I just shoot this open? )

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Who: Jayne & Maverick (then Shannon joins them)
Where: on the road to the airport, the airport and then back again
What: Jayne fanboys Tank, Maverick fanboys family and Shannon gets punched
When: Wednesday evening

If Trevor knew she was driving Jayne somewhere in Tank, he'd pout )

current music: Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashbboard Light

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12:03p - Log: Lex & Grier
Who: Irish Grier and Lex Sawyer.
When: November 26. Early evening. (Backdated).
Where: Base; Isolation Room.
What: Grier is in isolation, Lex goes to visit.

I'm glad I took a shower )

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1:01p - Thread: Zener Students & Staff
Who: Zener Students & Staff
When: Nov. 27th, 4:30ish
Where: Cafeteria
What: The Thanksgiving Feast!

It almost looked too perfect to eat. )

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Who: Maegan & Jayne
Where: Maegan's room
What: Jayne abandons his brother for kisses
When: Thanksgiving, before dinner

He had a jaunt to his step )

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5:53p - Log: Jadyn & Isaiah
Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver.
When: November 27. Evening.
Where: School; Jadyn's Room.
What: Thanksgiving dinner. They've both taken their food to go and meet up in secret in Jadyn's room.

I'm not sure you just said that bacon soaked in milk is great. That can't possibly be right. )

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8:25p - Thread: Tory and Vaughan
Who: Tory Gnosis and Vaughan.
When: November 27. Evening.
Where: School grounds; Woods.
What: Tory brings Vaughan some Thanksgiving dinner.

He felt a litle bit bad, because he knew that Vaughan was probably out in the woods somewhere, alone and cold and missing out on the meal. )

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11:57p - Log: Cree and Nando
Who: Cree & Nando
When: Nov. 25, afternoon
Where: Cree and Jacob's room
What: Nando decides to be thankful for one of the few friends that he has at the project, and brings Cree Thanksgiving.

I thought maybe you might like some Thanksgiving food. )

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