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Tuesday, November 25th, 2008
Who ? Walter and Nicholas
Where ? Nicholas room then out?
When ? Tuesday after class
What ? Ignoring their last fight and celebrating?

It's hard to argue when you won't stop making sense )

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3:46p - Thread: Grayer & Will
Who: Grayer Valentine & Will Piper
When: Nov. 25th, Afternoon
Where: Library
What: Project partners for World History meet!

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Who: Daniel & Vannie
Where: the library
When: This afternoon
What: catching up with an old friend

So a Priest walks into a library and... )

current mood: nostalgic

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5:08p - Thread: Mr. Wright & Vaughan
Who: Mr. Wright and Vaughan.
When: November 25. Early evening.
Where: School grounds; woods.
What: Colin goes to speak with Vaughan, and to bring him a few things.

It was cool outside, almost enough to make his breath mist as he exhaled )

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6:35p - Thread: Koty & Killian
Who: Koty Rayne and Killian Harris.
When: November 25. Evening.
Where: Base; Killian's Room.
What: Koty goes to check up on Killian.

Leaning on his cane, he wobbled his way down the hall )

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11:50p - Log: Molly & RJ & Tory
Who: Tory Gnosis, RJ Jameson and Molly Flanagan.
When: November 25. Evening.
Where: RJ's room.
What: Tory and RJ are hanging out. Molly comes to visit and wonders why the Italian boy is crawling all over her boyfriend.

RJ, why is Tory sitting in yor lap?! )

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